Chapter 22: 4th of July

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Hey peeps I am going to wright about 4 of July now and then maybe tell yall what everyone’s rooms look like also. Well just have to see hahahaha.

Chapter 22: 4th of July

I woke up the next morning still very tired. We had built a three story house in less than one month. Everything was done and we are not going to be moving our stuff from the other house we were in into this house now. We are still keeping the other house just in case we need it for something again. I got up and looked at the time and it was 9am and I looked for Edward but I did not see him. So I went downstairs in my PJ's and saw mom Esme.

“Good morning mom. Where is everyone?” I asked her.

“Good morning honey, they are at the other house packing and will be back soon,” she told me.

“Oh okay then, I guess I will go get ready for the day then,” I told her.

“Okay sweetheart, I am going to cook you some breakfast and it will be done soon,” mom told me.

I told her okay and I ran 2 staircases and into my room with out tripping once. I opened the door to the huge closet which Alice had restocked and I picked out a pair of blue jeans and a plain purple shirt. I then went downstairs and sat on the couch till I was called to eat. I went into the new kitchen and grabbed my plate and went to sit down at the dinning table. Mom cam and sat with me while I ate.

“So Jennifer, how do you like the new house?” she asked me.

“I love it so much mom. It is very beautiful and I just love it,” I told her.

“I do to also. I am so very happy that we are in it now. That home we were in was just to small for such a big family,” mom told me.

I got done eating and then everyone came back home. I came out of the kitchen and I saw my love. I went up to him and he picked me up and kissed me and we hugged. We told each other that we love each other. Edward asked me to help them bring in stuff and I went outside with him and I grabbed two boxes that had our names on them. We all got done unloading the cars and we all sat down and started to talk.

“Well people, it is 4th of July. What are we going to do tonight?” Rose asked.

Alice then stood up and smiled.

“We should go to the clearing that I found and shoot off fireworks and just have fun,” she told us.

We all looked at her confused.

“What clearing?” I asked.

“The other day me and Jazz were hunting and we happened to find this huge clearing. It is so big and beautiful. It also have a waterfall, me and Jazz go there just about all the time,” Alice told us.

“Take us to see this clearing and we will see,” dad told her.

Alice said okay and we got ready to go. I got on Edward's back and they all took off running after Alice. They ran for what seemed like to be an hour and then Alice stopped and so did everyone else. She told us it what right through there and then Edward put me down and grabbed my hand and we walked till we were just at the entrance of the clearing. We all entrance the clearing and Alice was right, this place was very huge and beautiful. We all walked a little into the clearing and stood looking at the place.

“Wow Alice, this is a very big beautiful place,” mom told her.

“I told you all that it was,” she told us.

She then ran to the middle and started to tell us where stuff would go. She then went into a vision and I looked at Edward and he was smiling at what she was seeing, then she came back to us.

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