1. End and beginning

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„Arghhhh! You got to be kidding me!! That's just so unfair! What a load of bullshit" I huffed frustrated after yet again re-watching my favorite Tv-show "Avatar the last Airbender"

„I really can't understand why they did her like that. I CURSE YOU AUTHOR!!
CURSE-CURSE-CURSE" i shrilled loudly to myself. My voice echoing thru my empty and cold apartment.

I was always able to understand exactly how Azula must've felt. This loneliness as a child that is almost suffocating.
A father who doesn't care and somehow always appears to be out of reach and on top of that is a manipulative and abusive prick.
A mother who is indifferent towards you.
Who doesn't seem to know how to treat you but on the other hand loves your older brother dearly. What irony.
Yeah that sucks big time.

That's one similarity that I share with Azula. Maybe that is why I was always drawn to her character.

It's easy to let the sad and lonely girl look like the villainess and it's even easier to judge her over trying to understand what has frozen the heart of a child like that and made her behave the way she does.

Well.. as many similarities as I may share with her.. I of course am not that cool.
I mean she's dead ass gorgeous and clever. How many times did she nearly catch the Avatar ? I mean of course never for long since he has the "Main Character" stat. But still she's just an amazing character. And her fire bending ability is way better than that of her brother Zuko.

"Maaaan I swear.. I wish I could just hug her and tell her that everthing will gonna be alright"

She really deserved better.



„And IROOOOOH I won't forgive you EVER!
You could have tried harder!" I again yelled through my whole apartment while letting myself fall down on my bed.

ONE MORE NOISE AND IM COMING OVER!!!!!" Screamed my neighbor next door while punching furiously against his wall.

"Whoooops my bad ha ha" I started to giggle quietly so he wouldn't be able to notice.

"Maaan that old baldy is always screaming his lungs out, he is way worse than me."

„Hah never mind. I don't feel like arguing right now" i mumbled under my breath and stood up from my bed to make my way into the kitchen.

I'm currently 19 years old. Living alone since I cut ties with my family and I am really not someone who is afraid of confrontation or to voice my opinion but right now ? I'm hungry.
Nothings more important than food.

„Baldy better you wait until tomorrow hehe" i said in a singing tone while opening my fridge.

Well well well.
What do we have here?
There's a whole lot of nothing. I really need to stop eating only delivery food, seriously.

It's currently 11:34pm. That's not a problem though since there is a small supermarket only 10min away from me a that is opened 24hours.
They may not have a big variety but for now this will do.

I strolled through my modest hallway that I yet have to decorate and put on a yellow thick jacket since it's slowly getting cold and pair of black boots that has been standing next to my entrance door.

"Yaaash off we go" I thought while hearing my door slamming heavenly into it's lock behind me.

I really need to eat regularly again. The last few months have been a mess for me and my health. Gotta take better care of me again. I can't even remember when I last time went to my Dojo where I've been having Karate lessons since I'm 5 years old.
I sighed

"Just thinking about my whole childhood, Karate really has been the only good thing in it, especially my Sensei Takashi. He sure been hard on me but he definitely is something like a "father figure" to me.
Daaang soon gotta visit the old man again"

While being deep in thoughts about my childhood and mess of a life I passed the street to arrive faster at the supermarket that is now already visibly a few meters ahead of me.

Just as i almost crossed the streets I heard an ear-splitting engine sound coming right from behind me.
The moment I turned around, it was already too late. A dark blue colored bus was racing so fast towards me, that I didn't have time to react.
It crushed me.

How would I know?
I'm standing right beside me.
I mean my corpse.
I literally can see my own crushed and deformed body with a few bones peaking out.

Well at least I'm not hungry anymore.
See you in the afterlife baldy I won't forget the open score we have.


It's been now 10minutes or something. And I'm literally still standing beside my dead body. Nothing is happening so far. So ghost are real or what?


„So you don't want to be reincarnated?" -
whispered now a gentle voice next to me

I let out a startled "SHIT" and looked beside me. There was standing a rather handsome tall man with raven black hair and dark red eyes. He was wearing..


A Hawaii-shirt??? 
Yeah I'm out.
I started to burst into a big laughter because this whole situation is just so ridicules that I can't.

I died.
I see my dead body.
And now there is some sort of god or grim reaper who is wearing a Hawaii-shirt.

The moment he realized why I'm laughing, he quickly snapped with his fingers. Now he is clothed in a long black robe.

„That's more like it" I said to him with a few laughter still escaping my lips

He starred me a little dumbfounded in my eyes and then cleared his throat:
„You sure are a rather strange young lady aren't you sad at all about your death?"

Hmm.. it's not like I wanted to die. But it's also not like it that I have important things or people that are worth living for. You know it was a lonely life. Definitely not the worst out there but still pretty shitty" i answered him with a small but tired smile on my lips.

„Hmmm.. I see how it is." He said in such a soft voice that it almost sounds comforting.

„Child... let me see your memories."
Right after he spoke those words he laid his left hand gently on my forehead.

After a few seconds he took down his hand from my forehand, placed on my shoulder and said: „Your most desired wish shall come true. We will see each other again when the time comes."

„WAIT WHAT is happening now?"


Heeeeey to everyone whom is maybe reading this right now. I'm really hyped up to write this fan fiction hehe

this chapter will be uploaded unedited since I'm lazy as hell <3

If u see any errors feel free to tell me.

Stay safe, healthy and drink yo water 😠🤌🏻❣️

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