13. Kyoshi conflict p.2

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„Heeey! Calm down Azula, you look like the bad person right now"
Shouted Katara concerned at me

„Bad person? -I'm just not letting myself get treated like that by other people, they touched me first, if that makes me the villain then I gladly should be it"
I answered her, my eyes still pinned on the Kyoshi warrior in front of me, not blinking once

„You are a feisty one, I like that kid'"
Said another warrior suddenly as she made her way towards me giving me a pleased grin

„Stand back. She's not someone you can  handle"
She then said to the warrior in front of me pushing her mildly to the side

"Ahhh.. I recognize her.. it's Sukki"
I thought while trying to hide my excitement of being acknowledged by yet another important character

„You know, we have eyes and ears everywhere. I have already heard about the fire nations prodigy-princess who broke the record and firebended the first time at the young age of 6 while apparently only mimicking the movements of an old scroll.
I never believed those rumors in the first place but now I'm more than excited to test them out myself."
She smirked dangerously, grabbing two of her fans and positioning them in her fighting stance.

„Is that so? Unfortunately I'm not going to beat you with my firebending today."
I remarked and gave her an even more dangerously; almost devilish smile in return


Aang interrupted us while a strong wind swept between the two of us, making us loose footage and pushing us away from each other.

„HEY! Why do you butt in?!"
I huffed without the slightest understanding

They helped us; they helped you, we even lied to them so it's our fault in the first place that we gained their hostility."
He answered in a calm manner while now standing in between the Kyoshi warrior and me

"That's what you call a main characters charisma, huuh .."
I thought and rolled my eyes secretly

Everybody was now starring at Aang. Especially in the faces of the Kyoshi warriors you could see, that their brains were working hard, trying to puzzle together the pieces of what they just saw.

„Yeah- yeah folks your thoughts are right. He in fact is the Avatar, lemme introduce you: Aang the last air bender or simply the bald headed kid."
I announced while walking up to him, knocking softly against his upper back.

Aang began to blush rather bashful at the sudden attention and interest that he now gained from everyone in the room, besides of Sokka and Katara who most likely already thought so far themselves without him confirming who he really is.

Sukki now gulped. Taking a few looks around until she gained her composure back:

„Y'all don't move an inch I will be right back."
She spatted looking at us before turning to the other warriors with a serious gaze, saying:
„Look after them and don't hurt them"

With everything said, she left the room in a hurry.

„For how long have you known?"
Aang asked me facing the ground

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