10. Avatar

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Do you have any idea of what you're doing right now?"
Zuko growled stunned while approaching me

„What you mean? I'm only behaving like a traitor should behave.
And don't come any closer, I don't want to have to hurt you Zuzu."
I said trying to sound provocative but my tears and pained look betrayed me.

As Zuko didn't halted and continued to get close to me, I brought forth my left fist and send a hot, blue glowing fire ball flying directly at him that missed his head by only a few centimeters.

„That was my last warning." I said in a teary voice as I watched my brothers saddened glare

„You may are the fire bending prodigy of this century, but do you really think, you can take on all of us?
—Do you think you have a chance against Uncle?
Be rational Azula before it's too late."

„RIGHT! Uncle!
Why don't you say something ? You know I'm right! Please say something. Anything."
I said desperate and looked at Iroh. The warm and wise Iroh. Who unfortunately only shock his head:

„Azula. Right or wrong is not our decision to make. We received an order. You need to listen to the adults.
Come here. Let's drink a tea and calm down, huh?"
He answered with a warm smile, but I could tell that this was a devastating beg.

„YOU ALL ARE CRAZY. It's not our decision to make? Everyone is able to make their own decisions. WHAT ARE WE ? PUPPETS WHO CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES? NOR EVEN CAN DIFFERENT BETWEEN RIGHT OR WRONG?"
I huffed in disbelief and frustration

„Princess Azula I'm so sorry"
Answered Iroh only

„Sorry ? For wh-

Before I was able to answer he already charged at me in full speed. So fast, that I wasn't even able to see his movements clearly. I never thought that I would have a chance against him, not yet definitely but I also hoped that he would have understanding for me.

As I couldn't even tell where he is right now, I only felt my hands being locked in thick metal handcuffs, preventing me from fire bending or even moving properly.

I let out a loud scream as he brought me over to the two soldiers from before.

I cried out yet again as they wanted to move me to the direction of the ship

As they wanted to touch me again, suddenly a cold wielding wind blowed them rather brutally away, which made them fall down on their butts 10meters away from me.

„She said that she doesn't want to be touched" Declared a gentle but warning voice
who was from no one else but Aang; the Avatar himself who was now standing right beside me.

„AIR BENDER?! This has to be the Avatar"
I heard the soldiers mumbling by themselves

The people from the water tribe as well as those from the fire nation, including Brother and Uncle were starring at the young looking boy in surprise.

„Hey. I appreciate your help but you need to leave. They are here to catch you, you know?!"
I whispered uneasy to Aang

„Hey! Don't help her she's our enemy"
Called Sokka out to Aang which was understandably since I am in fact supposed to be the enemy

„Sokka stop it."
Katara warned him and walked towards me and Aang only to stay right beside us

"Waaaait what's going on now? It wasn't supposed to be like that.. I didn't even wanted to meddle and now Im getting pitied and protected by the main characters?!"
I thought excited but also concerned

The villainess was just hurt! Where stories live. Discover now