16. Southern Air Temple

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"Ahhh there it is! Can you guys see it?!
It's the southern air temple
Screamed Aang overly excited, while jumping up and down right on poor Appas head.

Sokka, Katara and Suki exchanged quickly a few worried glances with each other since they after all know just as well as I do, that what is awaiting Aang, won't be pleasant for him.
Of course they aren't aware to the whole extent of the horror that awaits us like I do.

I wish that there was something that I could do.. but unfortunately I know, that some things just have to happen like in the original.
They do need character development after all. And especially he does, the Avatar—Aang.


„Aang stop being so wobbly, poor Appa gonna get a concussion because of you."
I lectured him while giving him a light slap against his neck.

„YEEEEES Azulaaa.
But what's a concussion?"
The Avatar looked at me with big eyes and his head tilted sideways.

„Never mind that"
I answered hastily while turning my gaze at the breathtaking view in front of me.

"There truly is nothing I've seen in this world here so far that could compare with the beauty of this landscape... even though at this moment it's nothing but a big graveyard, filled with the dead souls of the sorrowful Monks that were slaughtered by the fire nation."
I thought.


„This looks like a good spot to land.
Appa go down here"
The excited boy said with a smile that but the closer we would arrived at the ground, would start to fade more and more.

He did not see the worst yet, but it's already empty and cold.
The overall feeling one gets here is just glum, even without yet knowing what took place here.

„Hey Aang maybe we should talk a bit before -
Katara started to speak, but was quickly interrupted by the Avatar who jumped the last few meters off the still midair flying Appa.

„We can't do anything Katara. He needs to see it with his own eyes"
Suki stated while giving her a sympathetic glance.

"Yes.. he does.."

We have been walking around in this ghost town, what used to be the peaceful Air temple for a while now as we finally arrived at the big chamber that is filled with the monumental sculptures of the past lives Aang lived: all the past Avatars.

„WOW this is crazyyyy"
Suki whisper yelled and put a stop to the silence in our group.

„Aang, this is you, all your past lives!"
Katara stated with a smile

Aang was too perplexed to respond to Katara as he just studied the huge stone figures ahead of us wholeheartedly and somewhat nostalgic.

Of course, I was equally stunned at this sight.

"Hello great grandfather"
I thought as I shortly halted in front of the huge stone sculpture of Avatar Roku.

I bursted out in shock as I could have sworn that for a split second, his eyes lit up in a red light.

What's wrong?"
Katara asked concerned while she ran towards me.

Everyones eyes were now pointed at me questioningly:
Nothing.. im fine there just was a bug.. it's nothing.."

"They probably would think I'm crazy if I tell them what I just saw... and Sokka well he would be even more of a chicken. That would be too annoying right now.."
I thought and gave the group a reassuring

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