15. Future plans

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I foiled at her awkward attempt of following my movement.

We have been resting now on Kyoshi Island for nearly a month and I have been giving her and Sokka a few lessons of basic Karate and overall simple self defense.

Aang refused with hands and feet, talking about: "not wanting to learn something that can harm anyone."
Beats me, since blowing people away with a whole ass tornado won't break their bones or something.

In those 4weeks of training them, they unfortunately haven't made much progress.

God knows, I'm definitely not the best teacher but calling this material arts would be an insult.

Sokka even gave up already, he says he is "ready to face an army"


He just don't like being told what to do and most importantly by a girl that's on top of that even younger than him.

I guess it would also hurt my pride but at this point we just don't have the time for that.
Tomorrow is my 12th birthday and since my shoulder is almost completely healed, we will leave Kyoshi island. It's time to move on: to put it simply, the time we have for our future plans is tighter than they all can be aware of right now.

There are a few things in the plot that I want and need to change:
Our group. We need more people, more allies and that earlier.
I plan to expand our reach, so that we can even help people that aren't shown in the series. [READ AT THE END AUTHORS NOTE ASAP <3]

The original plot is all about the main characters getting stronger but we rarely get an insight of the people who are in deep need of help.

I have a few targets, and one already promised to follow us: Sukki.
After I told her about my plans of saving villages that are still in the claws of the fire nation, she only had a pleased smirk on her face and it didn't take her long to accept.

Our first travel destination will be the southern air temple.
It does pains me knowing what awaits us, but Aang needs to see the urgency and gravity of the situation the world is in right now with his own eyes.
Also.. of course we gotta go pick up Momo.


„Azula! Don't neglect your own training, won't your abilities become sloppy if you only play teacher?"
The voice of Sukki called out to me shortly before she threw a fan that had quite some speed at me.

I didn't need to turn around and caught the fan without much hassle as I answered calmly with a proud grin:
„You wish. Maybe you should also be one of my students though."

Without giving her time to answer at my declaration, I turned around and charged at her, while I was running, I send with my left fist a small blue fireball right at her face.
Of course it only was a feint, since I knew she would dodge it easily.
As she was distracted by it, I already was standing right behind her, holding her just thrown fan against her throat.

„What was that about my abilities becoming sloppy?"
I whispered in her ear with a satisfied expression as I removed her fan from her throat and pressed it in to her left hand.

„Feisty as always."
She uttered while she rested her arm on my shoulders and messed up my hair in a playful fashion.
The relationship between Sukki and I sure was good. To me she feels a little bit like an older sister that I never had. And I'm honestly glad for that.


As I was distracted by the little spar against Sukki, I didn't even noticed that Katara was sitting in a rather defeated manner on the ground. Eyeing at the both of us with an anxious expression:
„Hey. You okay? What's wrong?"
I said gently as I kneeled down in front of her, laying down one hand on her knee.

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