8. Three traitors

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On a scale from 0-10 I'm definitely a 100. Clear thing and not negotiable.
I mean did you look at me?
Im stupid.
Hella stupid.
Even watchmojo would sell their soul to have a picture of me.

I was talking all big flattering myself with "I'm a cHiLd pRoDigy"
And where is this so called child prodigy now heading to?
Exactly the god damn northern water tribe.

Until I find the Avatar.
Sounds strangely familiar huh?

Of course for: "attacking the firelord"
I'm shitting my pants. That's not even funny no more.

I sighed heavily.
"This Life or the old. I still can't seem to mind my own business and always make dumb decisions. Even reincarnation can't bless my poor soul"

But honestly:
Thinking back about that day.. I knew exactly what I was doing. I was not blinded by my anger. Of course I was angry but at the same time I knew there would be waiting consequences but I didn't care. I'm now living my life as Azula for over 11years. I still know I'm reincarnated.. but the more days pass, the more my old life as Lia feels only like a vivid dream. I'm getting attached to things and people. I do have my own life here. Zuko is my brother.. I couldn't let him down and if I would be in this situation again, I would do it all over again.

Looking away from injustice just has never been my style.


Just as I was still on deck from our ship, enjoying the cold and refreshing sea breeze with my eyes fixed on the sun in front me slowly disappearing, Iroh called out to me:

„Azula come inside.
I've brewed tea. It's getting colder, you need to watch out for your health."

„Yes I'm coming uncle."
I answered Iroh with a faint smile while walking inside the ship cabinet.

„How come you both can be so relaxed ? We need to find the Avatar!
I don't get you two.
Drinking tea like we are on a vacation or something."

„Zuzu. Don't you forget that we are only here because of you, would you? Also being far away from our "Father" is for me even better than vacation. Idiot." I glared at my brother.

Just three traitors banned and now being on the hunt for the long lost Avatar.

At this point I'm not even sure if and how much I should meddle in the progress of this story. To be honest I feel more like dipping and spending my life on an abandoned nice little Caribbean island.
But I'm still damn curious about the main characters.
So I might as well just tag along and watch the show.

„Don't make me responsible. I never asked you for help. It was your decision to interfere."

„What was that?!"
I clenched my teeth looking at Zuko

You -

„Both of you. STOP IT. It's ENOUGH. uncle Iroh interposed with a dark and warning stare.

„Ungrateful." I huffed quietly under my breath, turned around and made my way to my chamber.

"I never mistreated him nor showed off how much better I am in firebending then him like the "real Azula", So why can't this prick be thankful for once."
I thought while letting myself fall frustrated on my modern and small wooden bed.

Our relationship is still pretty bad.
In these months where we have been traveling so far, he never once thanked me.
It's not like I want him to crawl down on my feed and kiss them or something... but I still would have appreciated a little thank you.

I really was hoping that I could prevent Zuko from his: "I need my pride back and make father proud" break down.
Obviously i couldn't.
I guess he needs to learn his lesson thru the hard tour.

I guess I will sit here for the next few months and just enjoy the show."


As I just closed my tired eyes, there was a heavy knock on my door.


"No chance. I'm sleeping. Go away."
It's Zukos voice. If I just make no sound he should leave. I really don't feel like arguing right now.

„I know you're awake. Stop pretending.
Im coming in now." He said and right after opened my door abruptly.

I grunted in annoyance and jumped of my bed.

„The hell you want Zuko?
Uncle Iroh told us not to fight so buzz off while I'm being nice." I trashed at him without any filter.

Zuko wasn't amazed at all by that and just kept starring at me.

"Irritating. Do you have something to say or nah?" I thought and touched displeased with my index finger my forehead.

„Zuko if you have something to say, spill it out for gods sake but don't starre at me like some creep"

„Why?" he rumbled quietly

„Why what ?!" I rumbled back at him rolling my eyes

„Why did you.. help me... back then?" he stuttered. I could tell asking this was hard for him. Most likely because it hurts his false pride. But I couldn't careless.

„Look.. if that's your way of finally saying "thank you" then I don't need it. And if you really mean it than you're just stupid.
Why I helped you? Because you're my brother. You obviously couldn't help yourself and I couldn't just stand there and watch."

Zuko only opened his eyes wide in shook. His expressions are mixed. I can tell that he is touched but also pretty pissed off about the "you obviously couldn't help yourself" part.

A few moments of dead silence before I chose to simply end this conversation since it wouldn't led to anything anyways.

„If that's all, leave."

„Your birthday is soon...
Do you have any wishes?" he said while turning around and his left hand already on the door handle.

That surely caught me of guard but I would never show it.

„No. nothing in particular." i answered him sternly.

„Okay. Goodnight." he said evenly stern and left my room.

"Weirdo"  The fuck was that now?



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