3. Target: Iroh

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Its been now 4months since I found myself being reincarnated in Avatar the last Airbender as Azula.
In these months I haven't met my "father" Ozai nor my brother Zuko who should be now by 2 years older than me.
Hell I haven't even seen my "mother" ever since she gave birth to me.
The only people around me are servants who are at least pretty nice to me.
Don't get me wrong, they still are all hella weird and are super carefully around me.
But if I think about that, I guess if I would work for the tyrant Ozai, I would behave in the same way.

Currently I'm working hard to speak my first few words. That sure isn't an easy task tho since I have no idea what to say, since a babies first words are usually "Mom" or "Dad" but obviously they are not here so that won't work for me. Fortunately, they speak the same language here, so I can understand them just perfectly and don't need to learn it first.

But I can't forget my goal. I need to draw attention to me as soon as possible. Azula in the story was already a prodigy but more in terms of her fire bending, for me to draw attention especially that of Ozai I need to make the servants talk about me so word get out what of an outstanding baby I am. To do that I need to be a cute love-able baby that on top of that is intelligent.

I may was pissed the first moment I realized where I've been reincarnated, but now I'm really invested. I need to get stronger so I am finally able to met the first few characters as well as building connections with people higher up that are going to be useful in the future.
I don't care about my parents liking me. The words are written. Can't change the fact that Azula is an unloved child so I don't bother to fix their family relationships. It's not like I'm a therapist or something or even know what a functional family should look like. But what I can make sure is that Azulas future looks different and she gets a happy ending. Well.. more of that I get a happy ending right now. Since I'm her now. But still for the both of us I need to change the future.

"Uggggh what to say tho. The servants don't speak at each other using their names in front of me.. but calling them "Servant" ..Bruuu I really don't want my first word to be that"
As I was deep in thoughts trying to find a solution for my problem I could hear the door opening. My wobbly body unfortunately still isn't able to straighten up, but therefore my hearing is excellent.

„We are pleased to met you Sir. Iroh. Can we help you with something?"
Said one of the Servants in a respectful tone.

"Did she say Iroh??? Damn I'm a lucky baby today. I think i just found a perfect target"

„No. Not necessarily. You all are excused let me have a moment with my niece."
"Huh ? Why is his voice so cold? In the Series he was always the warm funny old man"

„Understood" answered the servants in a choir and I could make out, that they are quickly leaving the room.

I could hear steps coming towards my little baby bed. Just shortly in front of my bed, they halted. I wasn't able to get a glimpse of his face but I could hear his breathing.

After a few seconds of absolute silence, he said:
„You take very much after your father, little Azula" in a more untypical monoton voice, completely different to how Iroh was presented in the series.

"Yes yes.. I get that you all already don't like me, but at least be nice to a baby you old fart"
I thought while taking my plan into action:

Alright, Mission 1: get peoples attention and make them fall in love.

I started to giggle as loud and cute as i could. My wobbly baby body moving a little bit because of my foot trampling wildly forth and back.

"Now now.. be ready to fall in love with my cuteness you fool hehe"

„I- I - iroooh" i mumbled in a loud shrilling voice, holding my arms up as good as I can.

Complete silence yet again.

"Hooow? Wasn't I cute enough ???
Of course I was! It was perfect !!
Did he die from my cuteness ?!"

Suddenly his head peaked now visible to me in curiosity towards me. Right above of my head he stopped.
I could see Iroh now clearly. Just way younger. He had a stern and serious expression on his face. His hair is still black, with only a few grey strands standing out. No long beard, but still having his large and thick eyebrows over his gold colored hooded eyes.

Not quite sure what to do because of his stern and serious expressions, there was only one solution:

I started to laugh as loud and ear shrilling as I could. Muttering his name again, many times and looking deep into his eyes. With my last restricted strength I'm now throwing my small arms into the air yet again while making gripping movements with my tiny fingers.

Just as I thought it was for nothing since his expression hasn't  changed one bit, he held out his left index finger to me.

"Yeees suceeeess"

I immediately gripped at it and kept hold of it as tightly as I could.
Because of my triumphing, my giggling was now even louder and piercing thru the whole room and most likely the floors behind it.

His stern expression now turned into a warm and gentle smile. His golden eyes started to sparkle as he said: „You may not have everything of your father"

"That's right Sir and now feel the honor of being my first workshiper hehe"


Not edited, u knoooow the drill <3

Y'all stay healthy and drink yo water <3

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