the boy crying in the dining hall

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE; sorry that there's so many flashbacks in this part, I just think backstories are important & I want to show the relationship that reader has with some of the scout members. No trigger warnings or anything, I just wanted to say that lol*

*UPDATED A/N; hey to any new readers or readers who are rereading! I just wanna point out that ik the paragraphs for the first several chapters are rlly long; at the time of first writing I had no clue you could comment on different paragraphs. I don't wanna separate them now cuz I don't want the comments to go away. i do get better at spacing them though, just be a little patient :)*

"Hey, y/n! where you going?" Hange, the section commander yells from across the room. You had just finished going over some papers with them about new scout uniforms,and you have gotten very hungry.
"I think I'm gonna go grab some food in the dining hall! You wanna come?" you ask. You really like Hange. You consider them to be one of your greatest friends. They have always been so sweet to you, and they always give Levi shit when he's being an ass to you. Levi's an ass to everyone, but under that tough exterior, he's actually really sweet. You've seen it, even though it's rare, you know he has a soft spot.

"Can you just look over these two really quick? I can't decide between the black and green or the blue and green." Hange says. You walk back over to Hange's direction and look at the pictures they have spread out on the table in front of them.
"Why do we even need uniforms? It's not like we do anything really important, titans haven't been around for years!" you exclaim. There hasn't been a trace of titans in almost five years, but scouts are still recruited just in case if the impossible happens, and the scouts still protect everyone in Paradis. Marley isn't exactly considered an enemy anymore, but they aren't really allies, either.
"Cuz they make us look cool! Now, which one?"
You look back and forth between the two photos of the new uniforms.
"I think the black and green look much better." you decide.
"Great, I was thinking the same! It's settled, then!" Hange exclaims.
"Well, I'll be off now. You wanna come with?"
"No, I think Levi and Erwin are in Erwin's office, I think I'm gonna go scare them!"
"Well, make sure that short goblin doesn't kill you!" you laugh.
"I fucking heard that, brat." Levi appears from a hallway.
"Aw, man! I was gonna spook you and the commander!" Hange groans.
"Why, are you looking for a death wish?" Levi asks Hange. He turns over to you.
"That goes for you, too."
"Haha, shit. Well, I'm off! Bye Hange! Love you, Leeeeviiiiii" you yell, as you start walking out the door.
"Hey! If I don't see you before next week, don't forget about the party at Historia's next Friday for Armin! He should be back any day now!" Hange yells.
"Don't worry, I'll be there! Hope to see you there too, captain! Unless you have plans to be in Erwin's room all night!" you call.
"I'm gonna kill you, y/n." You hear Levi say, but you don't look back.

Ever since you joined the survey corps, you have gained more friends than you would have ever thought you were capable of having. Everyone you've met seems so sweet, especially Connie and Hange.  You've made friends with everyone part of the survey corps, even Mikasa, who seems really stand offish and quiet. But she's very sweet. She often seems sad, and is always wearing this old looking red scarf, that looks like it hasn't been washed in who knows how long.
I wonder why she keeps holding on to that old thing.
You always thought whenever you saw her.
Huh, now come to think of it, she hasn't been wearing it lately. I'll ask her about it when I see her next.                                                                          
She's great though, she cares about everyone in the survey corps a lot, you can tell, even though she doesn't show it, like Connie or Sasha would. You've made friends with those two, and you consider them to be your best friends, especially Connie. You and Connie have gotten as platonically close as you could, obviously without taking Sasha's number one spot. He's a huge rock person, and is constantly trying to make you like them just as much as he does

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