Jealousy; just add a taste of blood

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE; hi guys, so this chapter does have some mentions of a blood kink in it. I wouldn't consider it 'extreme' but, blood is involved. Sorry, I've made Eren kinda a horny bastard. Just a head's up! Also, there's another spicy scene in here! (no real smut yet, just be patient!)*

Your heart starts pounding as you watch everyone race up to you and Eren at the same time. Your brain immediately gets fuzzy.
"So many people...all at once...oh my god." You start feeling sick to your stomach. You are able to spot Jean and Mikasa together in the crowd, despite your vision starting to slightly blur due to you getting so suddenly lightheaded.
"Oh no, why are they...?" Jean and Mikasa start walking towards you, which makes your anxiety rise even higher.
"Why are they walking towards us? Shit, what do I do?" you think to yourself. You feel your heart start to race faster.
"How can I possibly flirt with Eren right now? I can't barely think straight."
"Y/n! Glad you came. Eren...happy to see you came too, man. We all missed you." Jean says, smiling.
"Yeah, I'm sure you missed me a lot, Jean." Eren scoffs, and grabs your waist.
"I missed meeting this one during the most recent scout party. Did you go to that, Jean?" Eren asks. You knew what he was trying to do. Jean turns beet red.
"Of course I was there, that's when Mikasa and I-"
"You think I won't kick your ass right here in front of every goddamn person just cuz it's supposed to be a cute, wholesome little moment? I'll shove my whole fist down your throat. Watch it, Kirstein." Eren lets go of your waist and is directly face to face with Jean.
"Don't start now, Eren. We just got here." you think to yourself as you try to slow your heart rate down.
"Hey, Eren. Chill. Come on, I missed you, despite whatever you wanna think. I'll kiss you right here." Jean says, smiling. He looks over at you. He looks you up and down, then smiles.
"That blue looks good on you, y/n." He takes Mikasa's hand and walks away.
"That blue looks good on you, y/n." Eren mocks Jean as they walk away.
"Bro's such a fucking weirdo." Eren turns over to you.
"Hey, you okay?" Eren asks. You try to answer, but you can't find the right words to say.
"Come on, not here, not now! Snap out of it!" you think to yourself. You can feel the colour draining out of your face as your heart beats faster. You feel your hands begin to shake.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Eren asks. You feel the urge to leave as more people swarm you and Eren.
"Shit, shit, shit." you think to yourself. You start picking at your fingers, pealing at the sides of your fingernails. You can barely feel the pain. The aren't long from being fully healed, so it's not that hard to start peeling your flesh away from your fingers.
"Hey, relax! What's up with you?" Eren says.
"There' many people in front of me all at once, I don't feel well." you manage to spit out. You feel yourself getting dizzier.
"You get like this even around people you know? Damn..."

"Hey! Y/n! Eren! I'm so glad you guys came!" Armin yells, running over to you both.
"Armin, wouldn't miss your welcome home party for the world." Eren says, going over and hugging Armin.
Eren and Armin seem really close, and Eren is the happiest you've seen him in this moment. You peel some skin off of your ring finger. It stings, but you don't care.
"Y/n! This is who I was gonna introduce you to, but you guys already met! You don't look too well, are you okay?" Armin says. You feel Eren slip his hand in between both of yours, stopping your from picking at your fingers. He squeezes your hand, and you squeeze his back.
"She's a little bit socially anxious. You were gonna introduce us?" Eren asks. You feel Eren's thumb rub your hand. Somehow, like Eren is made of magic, your anxiety starts to calm down a bit.
"Breathe, baby." Eren whispers in your ear.
"It's okay."
"Did...he just call me baby?" you think to yourself.
"What the fuck?"
"Yeah, I thought she would be your type! How did you meet, anyways?" Armin asks, smiling.
You look over at Eren. He smiles.
"Actually, y/n saw one of your paintings in my window when passing by my house."
"Oh, really? Do you like them?" Armin asks, eyes sparkling.
"Eren lied to make his friend happy?"
"I love them! You're am- you're amazing, Armin. I didn't know you could paint!" you exclaim. You try to keep the shakiness in your voice down. Seeing Armin happy is one of the purest things you've ever seen, like a kid on Christmas morning. Armin blushes and looks down at the floor.
"That's cuz I don't really think I'm all that good. Eren just keeps them so there's someone to go." Armin says.
"Oh yeah? No good? That big ass painting of Historia is pretty good to me, what do you think y/n?"

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