the coordinate

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AUTHOR'S NOTE; y/n gets a bit crazier in this chapter. she's going through a mental breakdown, & a bad one. shes currently feeling extreme guilt & anger. i have tried to capture her emotions & thought processes as accurately as possible. it's giving very much Joker Light Yagami season 1 Eren Dabi anyone who was induced with banana fish. your girl y/n is gonna lose her marbles frfr. reader also contemplates self harm in this chapter, but she does NOT actually self harm. please be careful if this may trigger you, remember to take care of yourself. sorry for taking so long to update, I'm in the midst of moving, so chapters may come out slower than how I've usually been posting. anyways, enjoy brats!*

""... Exactly. As long as the sun is alive, there is still a part of the moon that is, too.""
Helios told the Moirai how he didn't understand what they meant.
"Selene, the Goddess of the moon, is dead. But since you are still alive, that part of her, the part of the moon that shines, is still there." Helios asked the Moirai if there was anything he could do to save her. The Moirai told him he had to go to the Underworld to find Selene."

"They warned him with caution, though. If he stayed in the Underworld for too long, he himself would be there permanently, and he would never see Selene again. Although Helios knew it was dangerous, he took to the Underworld. He arrived, and Hades, the God of the Underworld, asked him what he was doing here."

"Helios explained everything to Hades. Hades laughed, telling him he was being foolish for risking his own life for some Goddess. Hades brought Helios the the 'River of Souls'. He said that Selene would be there somewhere, but he didn't have a lot of time. Helios jumped into the river, desperate to find his Selene. With every second that passed, Helios could feel himself getting weaker and weaker."

"Helios was dying, just like the Moirai warned him about. But he didn't care. If he could find Selene's soul and bring her back to the surface, she would be alive again. After swimming for what felt like forever, Helios found Selene's soul. He tried to swim as quick as he could, even in the nearly dead state he was in. He wasn't sure if he would make it to the top of the river in time before he died, but he tried anywa-"


You're startled by your phone going off. It's Armin.
"Hey, Armin." you say.
"Y/n? Are you home?" he asks.
"What? Yeah, I am. Why?" you ask back.
"Are you okay? Are... you crying?"

"Can you tell?" Armin asks, his voice cracking slightly.
"Mikasa's freaking out. We went to g- Mikasa, please calm down!" You hear something either fall or break.

"I- see what I mean? We went to visit Eren in Zeke's cabin and... I guess we just didn't believe he was dead before. She saw him and I went back to her cabin with her to comfort her and...MIKASA! THAT'S A PLATE!"
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" You hear another loud breaking noise.
"I... I don't know what to do."

"Where are you now? Still at her cabin?" you ask.
"Yeah. We called Jean... I think he's with Connie and Sasha right now. I'm gonna try to get her out of the house... I'm gonna take her to the dining hall I think. Will you meet us there?"
"Yeah, I'm coming. I'll be there in ten." you say.
"Thank you, y/n."

Armin hangs up, and you get out of bed. Even though you don't want to, you'd rather just stay in your cabin, you get up anyways. You know it must be really hard on Armin and Mikasa. When you think back to them seeing Eren's dead body, they weren't showing as much emotion as you because they were in shock. Their childhood best friend was shot and killed.

You don't bother changing, not really feeling the need to. You walk downstairs and head for your door, locking it behind you as you step outside. It's oddly cool outside, a breeze hitting your face feels rather frigid.

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