First Class

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Today would mark the first official day of Amity's new class, Devil Forging. Still, she had no idea on how she managed to get just a 'high opportunity' and an advancement on her education. But, her parents, mostly her mother, were content on making her take the class, and it was not always easy saying no to them. So, she went along with this, knowing that they only wanted her to take it so that their reputation could expand upon the new opportunities that come along with the class. They never cease to jump in on the opportunity to gain more fame and glory. It's just good business for them.

Amity was surprised to find out that Boscha was also taking this class. Titan knows how she managed to gain such an opportunity for the class as well, but now Amity may not hear the end of it from her saying that she's just as good, maybe even better than her. She was not gonna give her the satisfaction of being the better student as they, along with several other students who've managed to make the class, enter the room. Inside, they room was barely even decorated, it was faintly simple with only a few dozen chairs in front of a desk for the teacher, whom the kids haven't even met yet.

"Is this a joke?" Boscha asked. "Where's the teacher?"

"From what I heard, Principal Bump it would be a surprise." Amity replied.

"I would hope so, otherwise I took this class and put on this ridiculous uniform for nothing." Boscha whined. "And if this isn't for nothing, how do you feel about not being on top anymore?"

Amity looked straight at Boscha and said "The class hasn't even started yet. So why don't you save your bragging for later, Boscha?"

"You owe me for ditching us on Conjuring Night. For that Belmont!"

"And here, I thought you were a fan of hers." Amity said smugly, to which Boscha replied "Well, she did kick your butt during the duel!"

And that made Amity summon her abomination gauntlet as she said "You know, I've been practicing a lot lately. Wanna see how good I am with a whip?"

Right before they could at each other's throats, Principal Bump appeared and brought down the tension between the students.

"Take your seats. All of you." He ordered, to which all of them responded almost right away by sitting down on a chair at random. "Now, as you are all aware, it's not everyday that this school is present with a brand new class, especially during the middle of a semester. But I was told that this would be a grand opportunity for many students with great well as a grand opportunity for the school to gain publicity." He said that last part to himself. "In any case, now would be the best time to introduce you all your new teacher."

Then, in came a man dressed in a Priest's black robes from Earth. He looked to be as old as Bump, if not older, with a head full of white hair tied in a ponytail, a white beard as well and having blackened eyes with white pupils. the angry look on his face made the kids feel uneasy, especially Amity, as she was even suspicious of his appearance. She could've sworn she'd seen his face somewhere before; maybe from...Luz's journal? She didn't say anything as the kids all got a good look at the evil looking guy who would be their teacher from now on.

"Allow me to introduce you all too...what was your name again?" Bump asked the man.

"Call me Master Desu." The teacher said in low monotone. He bowed before his own students as he said "It is a pleasure to met you all and to teach you of the ancient arts forgotten by man. I shall take it from, Principal."

"Very well. Do try to get comfortable, all of you." Bump said as he left Desu to start the class. The teacher scanned the class and could sense the students feeling uneasy around him.

"There's no need to feel so uncomfortable. Tis a great achievement for you all to be studying these ancient arts."

Amity raised her hand, to which Desu gestured her to speak.

"Forgive me for asking, sir. But what exactly is Devil Forging?"

"Wishing to get straight to the point, I see." The teacher said. "Very well. Devil Forging is Ancient for of Magic, first discovered by humans."

This made the student whisper amongst themselves, as they had heard nothing about humans being able to do Magic least until a certain Belmont came into the Boiling Isles.

"If human are able to do magic, how come we've never heard about this before?" Another student asked.

"As said, it is ancient form of magic, easily forgotten in time." Desu explained. "There hasn't been a true Devil Forgemaster in...centuries. I hoped that this realm would help to bring back this forgotten art, since you children have so much potential."

"Would the track we choose to be part of keep us from practicing this magic?" Asked yet another student.

"The best part about Devil Forging is that no one can take it away from you. It is free for everyone with the power to practice it and there's nothing a coven can do to seal it away."

Once more, did the student whisper rather excitingly, as the thought of being able to do more than one form of magic seemed too good to be true. Boscha actually thought it was too good to be true, as she was the next to speak up.

"Excuse me? Mister Desu? No offense, but how can you be certain what you say is true?"

Desu raised an eyebrow to her.

"Care to prove that this 'Devil Forging' is all that you say it is?

Then Desu smiled before saying "Perhaps a demonstration will help to prove me right." Then, at the snap of his fingers, the floor began to move and open up, forcing the student back as a giant hole appeared and circular platform rose out of it. Resting on top of it was a statue for a fairy in a fetal position, and the students watched carefully as Desu walked towards it.

"Observe, children." He said before raising both his hands and began to enchant the spell. "Verba mea attende, o magnae potestates tenebrarum! Dimitte mihi animas cruciatas! illum vita mea vi infundam et eum ad mundum viventium excitem! Immaculata ens... Nunc appare coram me."

Energy shot of Desu's hands as the statue had come to life, taking flesh and awakening. The students were awestruck by this, as never before have they this kind of magic, finding it almost hard to believe that it come from the human realm. Amity was surprised the most of all, and even wondered if Luz knew about this. The infant realm stretched itself, as if waking up from a long sleep before it flew around Desu. The language he spoke was Latin, reciting the spell that way on purpose because he didn't yet want them to know the true purpose of the form of magic.

"I believe you have all you need to believe the power of Devil Forging." Desu said as he had his fairy rest within the palm of his hand. "Ready to begin...children?"

People wanted to have a peak at how Amity's Devil Forging would be like, and now, they have it.

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