Chapter 9: Public Enemy

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At Eda's shop, King was busy trying to grab hold of a flag flapping above him while Luz was trying to find ways to drum up business without giving away too much attention for Eda. So far, the only thing she had in mind was selling any relics that she thought would be valuable here. But considering that this dimension had witches, demons and other mythological creatures and artifacts that would make the things she find pale in comparison, she marked that idea down as fail. On the bright side, some things amongst the junk were of great value to her, as they were to be considered weapons used by her ancestors. She proves this by holding up and examining a familiar bottle that's filled with what looks like simple water, but in fact holds great power.

"Thank you, Owlbert."

"Well, well. Look at what we have, girls." A familiar annoying voice came by as Luz turned her head to see Boscha and two friends of hers coming over to the store. She did notice that they all were wearing Devil Forgemaster uniforms; seems as if this new class at Hexside was started to get really popular. "Lady of the hour, Luz Belmont. Running a shop of some junk that came from her dimension."

"I remember you. The three-eyed freak with the loud mouth. You come to act all tough?"

"Not really." Boscha said. "I've just come to take an ironic Penstagram next to your pathetic little stand."

Luz just looked unamused as Boscha took some pictures from her scroll.

"Am I supposed to fazed in anyway?" She asked her, to which Boscha replied "You would be, knowing that there are vigilantes out for your head, since you're commanding such a high bounty. Higher than the Owl Lady, no doubt."

And without a second through, Luz grabbed hold of Boscha and pulled her off her feet as she got in her face and growled "Is that what you're really here for? Because if you are, I swear it will not end well for you."

But Boshca just held up both hands in a surrendering pose as she said "Please, Belmont. If I wanted to turn you in, I would've done so already."

"Like you'd be given the chance." Luz said as she throws Boscha away from her. Skara and the other student help Boscha back up as she then dusts herself and look furiously at Luz.

"And what is it that you can do, human? Spit venom at me?"

With that said, a bottle was thrown at their feet, which burst into flames on impact, scaring the three as they looked to see Luz juggling another bottle in her hands. King came by her shoulder and shouted "Anymore stupid questions you want to ask?"

"You three are not even worth a good bottle of Holy Water." Luz said in a snobbish tone, to which Boscha scoffs as she and friends begin to leave.

"You'll regret that, Belmont! And you're little demon too!" She yelled while walking away and cackling. Her laugh reminded Luz of the witch from the Wizard of Oz, as it was dead on from the original. Soon after, did Eda come around and looked to see that Boscha was already gone.

"Damn. Looks like I missed some easy pickings." She said.

"Meh. They were jerks anyway." Luz replied.

"Well, since there doesn't seem to be much business as of now, how about I let you off the hook for today, Luz?"

"Seriously?" Luz asked.

"Yeah." Eda answered. "Bet you want to continue looking for answers about your family's history."

"Well, now that you mentioned it, there is one lead I think is worth looking at." Luz said. "Can I borrow the portal?"

"You're heading home?" King asked concerningly. "A-Are you coming back?"

"Of course." Luz said, giving King some relief. "Look, my mother was married to a Belmont. So, I figured she may know something."

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