Working the Problem

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Though the halls of his castle, Emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles was followed by his most loyal assistant, Kikimora, who was telling him of the majority of events that occurred around the Isles as of late.

"There have been reports and sightings of the Belmont girl in public." She states. "And at around the same time, mysterious sightings of...otherworldly creatures never before seen on the Isles. Some say they're from the depths of Hell while other believe that the girl had brought them with her from the Human Realm. However, sightings of mysterious, dark cloaked figures may tend to disclose these rumors, as we have sent spies to investigate...few have come back alive in one piece."

"That is rather unfortunate...yet curious." His Excellency spoke. "I fear there may be a third power in play. One that may be a similar threat to the Belmont, if not worse."

"Worse than...a legendary monster hunter?" Kikimora said, wondering what that could possibly be. "The people will want answers. If it is true what you say, my Emperor, we could be facing an invasion."

This...troubled Belos. He had not accounted for Night Creatures to suddenly arrive in the Empire he has sustained with his order for decades. From under his mask, he glared deeply, as such...complications would be bound to put all his plans into jeopardy. Or maybe...he could use it to his advantage? Work around the problem, and absorb it. As long as he had the faith of his loyalists and citizens, nothing could stop him. Not even the Belmont.

"We also finally managed to get word back from Hexside. Seems that there was something...unprecedented for."

"How is that possible?" Empire Belos asked. To which Kikimora replied "Apparently, there has been a new class that has been taken place there, albeit without our approval. Many of the students have already enrolled and have practicing magic that...I cannot even comprehend. They called it...Devil Forging, and I've never seen anything like it."

Never did he think he'd hear those two words again. Once before, had he heard of such a demonic form of mystic art, but he's never seen it himself. Only that the concept is to create life, obedient, demonic life from the rawest of materials. It is a form of magic that originated from Necromancers, as it was able to bring the dead to life and make the most loyal of servants. Resurrecting the dead, whether it be ashes, disemboweled, melted or even...petrified.

"The many who started the class, they call him Desu..." Kikimora continued. "...Offered generous donations to the school in order for this class to go on, unprecedented. Some say that if it continues, others schools may join in on the practice of this mysterious magic.

Now, THAT was a problem for Belos. Since Devil Forging was completely off the grid from his coven system, and if it were to continue expanding, the chances of rebellious witches rising again would multiply ten fold. And that would be troubling. It was then that a Guard came by.

"Emperor Belos, forgive my intrusion."

"Make your peace." Belos ordered.

"The Coven Heads are here. They wish to speak about the predicament, regarding the Belmont."

Later, Belos found himself in his throne room, where the Leaders of each Coven he made stood before him. Lilith stood idly by, avoiding eye contact with most Coven Heads. They wished for answers, for their concerns about a human, carrying a weapon that could end their lives in a split second drew concerns for them all. It was up to their Emperor to appease their minds.

"I know you all draw worry from the stories, saying that the Kin to a Fabled Family of Hunters lives among us..." The Emperor said with upmost confidence. "Rest assured, she will be dealt with in time."

"What exactly is that precedented time, my Emperor?" Darius, head of the Abomination Coven, asked. "Already, it seems that one...girl...has left her mark on our society."

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