𝙿𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝟷𝟹.

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"Stacy? You want to know who she is to me? Stacy.... Stacy was -" Jackson was cut off when someone called his name.

"Jackson! When did you come back?" Mark asked as he sensed something was going on between his best friend and his future brother-in-law.

"Oh hey, Mark. Um, I just flew back this morning. What's up?" Jackson replied but kept on glancing at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung finally turned to look at Jackson, "Flew in from where?" He asked.

"China. He went to China to fix an urgent matter at Team Wang's main office." Mark informed Jinyoung.

"Mark, can you please excuse us?" Jackson asked as he gently grabbed Jinyoung's elbow and led the latter outside the hall.

Jackson led Jinyoung towards an empty room, he opened the door and let Jinyoung in. The younger one turned around and as soon as he heard Jackson closed the door. "You were out of the country? Was that why I couldn't reach you?" the younger asked.

Jackson nodded, "Yeah I had to fly to China urgently as in a few hours after I dropped you off. I'm so sorry I didn't get to inform you. I got the news as soon as I dropped you off that day. I'm such a terrible boyfriend."

"Oh, so you were not sick or mad at me?" Jinyoung inquired.

Jackson gave him a confused look, "I'm sorry, I had to lie and say I was sick because I don't want your brother to worry about our deal. And mad? Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because...because I didn't let you go in the building with me...and that I wanted our relationship to be a secret." Jinyoung explained.

"Babe, do you really think I am that petty? Yes, I was a little disappointed that you want this to be on the down low but I won't ignore you or your phone call because of that. You gotta do more than that, like cheating, for me to ignore you." Jackson softly said as he walked slowly towards Jinyoung.

Jinyoung mumbled an apology which Jackson found so adorable that he couldn't take it anymore and planted a kiss on Jinyoung's lips. Jinyoung melted and draped his arms around Jackson's shoulders and cupped the older one's nape to deepen the kiss.

"Gosh, I miss you." Jackson whispered as they pulled away to breathe. And a few seconds later, Jackson was about to continue kissing Jinyoung when the latter raised his hands to rest on Jackson's chest.

"Wait. You still didn't answer my question." Jinyoung said.

Jackson groaned, "I already explained why I couldn't call or text you. What else is there to answer?"

"Not that, silly. Stacy. Who is she to you?"

"Stacy? How did you... and what do you mean by, who is she to me?"

"Answer me, Jackson."

"No, you have to clarify it first...what do you mean by asking me that? And how do you know her?"

Jinyoung took a deep breath, "She...she came to see me yesterday. She talked about how you two have a personal tie and that she wants...she wants to see your new..." Jinyoung trailed.

"New boyfriend?" Jackson asked and Jinyoung shook his head. "New toy...a boy-toy."

Jackson cupped Jinyoung's face, "first of all, I'm sorry that she came to your office and said those things to you. And lastly, I never look at you as a toy, I don't play when it comes to relationships, and I would never in a million years think of you as my boy-toy...baby boy...yeah but not boy-toy."

Jackson sighed and continued, "Stacy is a colleague. She works for Team Wang. She flew here to work on the partnership we signed with your family's company."

𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮Where stories live. Discover now