Skin facts

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👱🏻‍♂ Some Skin Facts.

1. Your skin replaces itself approximately once every 27 days

2. Skin color is determined by cells in the epidermis.

3. Your skin could weigh more than 20 pounds(~9 kg).

4. If your skin cells shed every month, how do tattoos stick around? It turns out to be a function of your immune system. The puncture of the tattoo needle causes inflammation in the dermis, the skin's middle layer. In response, white blood cells known as macrophages are sent in to help heal the damage. These macrophages "eat" the dye and can pass it to newer macrophages when they die off, so the pigment is essentially transferred from one cell to another.

5. Your body's fluid balance depends on skin.

6. A skin condition can put you at greater risk of other diseases.

7. Your legs may be the driest part of your body.

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