13| Ramyeon and wine

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for Ping!




Oh god! make it stop!

I wake up to my phone constantly beeping. Ugh! my head hurts. It takes me a moment to realize that I slept on the floor of the guestroom. Grabbing my phone to check the notification, I see messages from my husband. 


Sorry about last night.

Sorry for hurting you last night.

That was not my intention.

I never thought my three dates would turn into such a big deal.


But they did!


It didn't mean anything.




I thought we would eat and have lots of sex since it's been so long since I last touched you, but you had to get angry over a silly little thing.


oh! I wonder why! Oh, that's right! because you spend 5 nights out of 7 banging god knows who!


Sorry I did not mean it to come off as rudely as it did.


But it did!


But I am hurt and upset because the one moment we get to have sex, you spoiled it by getting angry over something stupid!


I spoiled it over a stupid thing?! How about you not breaking one of our rules, asshole! You are upset? What about my feelings?! What about our marriage!


I am sorry. I am upset that I did not get to touch you last night.


Oh! you wanted to touch me last night? Finally, I get to touch my husband!!!


Because you were angry last night, I couldn't even tell you that I had to leave for a work trip this morning.

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