Mamma Mia

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The two quickly realized there were people around furthered themselves from each other.

"Hey (Y/N)! I thought you guys were going to be out for a bit. But you guys are back already?!" Ashido looked slightly terrified and went into her rambling state of thinking so she could come up with an explanation. But you didn't quite give her that satisfaction yet, turning your eyes straight to the stranger next to her.

"And who are you?" You looked him up and down, trying to be as intimidating as possible.

"The names Tokoyami Fumikage. Nice to meet you." He was a decently tall dude, especially compared to Mina. With jet black hair, dark clothes, muscular stature, and seemingly not Mina's type at all.

"Likewise, this is my girlfriend (Y/N) and I'm Shinsou Hitoshi. So Mina, what's with the new member of this house?"

"I met him at the third place we went to last night, and after the news of you guys leaving we decided we would too. On our way home we stopped at a bar and his band was playing; and bing, bang, boom, here we are." She let off a nervous laugh and Tokoyami shifted in the spot he was standing in while looking at the ground. There was no doubt in your mind what happened between them but instead of outright asking about it, you just hinted.

"Ash, did you happen to be a young Donna to his Harry last night? Circa Mamma Mia 2?" The dark haired boy looked confused, where Mina and Hitoshi knew exactly what you were asking. One's eyes going wide and the other physically face palming.

"Girl, if you don't leave me alone I am going to hurt you." She paused, both you and she knew she was bluffing. "And yes, if you must know it was very enjoyable and we were drunk. It wasn't exactly the way we thought the night would go but he is very nice. And he is actually from Okinawa too, he goes to a tech school about 30 minutes from UA." She was very passionate, perhaps she might actually find him attractive in more than just a sexual way. Congrats Mina.

"Well very nice, if you will excuse us for barging in on your guys' little date. We are going to be in the water for a bit. Have fun.~" Letting out your best insinuating voice, you walked away with Hitoshi to your guys room. Him changing and both of you grabbing towels since you realized you forget them too.

Spending your early afternoon in and out of the water: tanning, swimming, reading, making out. You know, the usual stuff you do when you're basically on a private beach with 80 degree weather. Later in the afternoon when everyone was at the dinner table, including your new token emo addition. You got onto the conversation of all the birthdays coming up.

"So as you guys know, Hitoshi's birthday is tomorrow and we have a few other birthdays in July and August too. How do we want to celebrate them? Like all separate, or conjoined, or something?"

"I guess it all depends on what people want to do for their days. Like who wants to chill, who wants to party, stuff like that." Jirou responded to you as one of the people with a birthday that would fall while still in California. "Personally, no offense to anyone here, but I'm gonna want to spend most of it with my girlfriend."

"I agree with that, I'd like to do the same." It went quiet for a second.

"You want to spend most of the day with Momo, Hitoshi?" You joked, it is what it sounded like he was saying.

"No that's not what I meant and you know it. I'm just saying we should spend our separate days more chill, and have one day between all of us to do cake and actually celebrate. You know, that way it's all at once and all together, one big and happy, found family, or some shit." Everybody got the memo that it was a tease Hitoshi day, so they all awed and commented on him being sappy.

Which is true, of course, but he doesn't like to show it to anyone besides you. He simply rolled his eyes and scoffed, looking flustered underneath it all. He was slightly upset for sure but it's not like he didn't know how to take a joke.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. What I was trying to say in a nice, family friendly way was that, my girlfriend here," He pointed at you and waved his finger to make sure everyone got the point. "Is going to join me for a nice day exploring the town, then a fancy dinner. And after all of that, let's just put it in the words of Phillip Hamilton for you musical theatre weebs. When we get back we're gonna strip down to our socks. Is that what you guys need to hear to shut you up."

It was. Everyone was shocked at what he just said. Hitoshi is never one to talk about your guy's sex life or even romantic life at that. So the fact that he just blatantly told your entire close friend group you planned on fucking him as part of your present, was bizarre.

"Omg you finally took my advice! I really am a good sex therapist." Mina yelled, apparently recalling the one time she gave the idea to you.

"Seriously Mina, that's your first thought." It wasn't exactly a question, even though it should have been.

"I'm just taking credit where it's due. Thank you very much."

"I'm sorry, what did you two even talk about to get to the part about sex therapy?" Sero was visibly confused about everything that was just said during the past minute, and you didn't blame them.

"Not important right now buddy. Can we please get back onto topic now. Cause what I'm getting from this is people don't actually care about a group celebration on their birthdays." You didn't mean to shout, but you definitely did.

"Okay I'm ending this stupid ass talk now so we can keep eating in fucking peace. No parties on singular birthdays, I'll make the best damn cake anyone has ever tasted on, let's say July 15th. So it's between everybodies damn closer to death day. Happy? Good. Now eat." Bakugou did not give enough time for anyone to answer his question but also single handedly solved the problem. So it worked.

You all continued eating and went your separate ways as night came. But honestly all you could think about was tomorrow as you laid in bed. While cuddled up with Hitoshi, you were wondering if what he said earlier was true or just a way to get himself out of the situation you put him in.

Haha just dropped out of my college class lmao. Go me. Anyway that's it...

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