Chapter 1 - Great escape, what now?

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This doesn't need an introduction, it's just the base game. With some headcanons and twists, of course.

Warning: includes reference to suicide and parental abuse, violence, cheating partners, sexual references, homophobia, the gay and lesbean- uh bein less- girls together(?), angst parents murdering and also school shootings. If this makes you uncomfortable, read this book with caution.

(Also may include smut but only if it's essential to the story and the audience approves. Probably not even)

Keith POV
I was on the floor.

Blood was coming out my mouth, 1 or 2 of my teeth were knocked on the floor. My chest was bleeding, and I most likely had a few broken ribs. What was scary was that this wasn't all uncommon anymore.

My parents were standing over me, mad at me for interrupting their talk about something. And here was their child, who they honestly didn't love all that much, bleeding. Knives in hand, glare on their faces, my mother had a look that could melt metal.

I didn't know what to do in that moment, I mean for gods sake they were about to stab me! All I could muster up were some whimpers. This was the moment where I suddenly decided I didn't want to live here anymore. Especially with these two monsters in front of me!

"Hey! Why are you running away?"


"You should've used a damn condom!"

I got these words and more screamed at me from the distance. When in the process of moving away, I suddenly realized, I didn't have anywhere to live. This probably wouldn't have been a problem, but I was in a city that actually didn't have a homeless shelter. Or well, it did, but it was rumored they were fed food out of dumpsters and sexually abused, so that wasn't an option.

And I already graduated from school, which I was surprised they even let me go to school! But things at school weren't much better. I was bullied, nobody liked me, nobody loved me, and yeah right like that last one was gonna happen. Well, I mean, I don't really remember anything before middle school. (Parents punching and abusing you everyday on your head will do that to ya.) But I think it's safe to assume that if nobody likes me now, nobody liked me then, either.

I mean, maybe I should just kill myself. Who do I even have in my life that would house me? Maybe some kind stranger will come to me and offer me a house. Pfft, as if! In real life, nobody is your "prince charming" here to save you. It's no different for me either. I suppose I'll just sleep on the streets for now. If I have these...thoughts again, I'll just go through with them. It's not like I can go to sleep though. But eventually I'll probably tire myself out and sleep on this floor.


I was never a huge school person. That was already set in stone. My teachers knew it, everyone around me knew it. A lot of people in general, even my friends knew about it.

I knew that this place was terrible, and all we were being taught about was apples anyway, so I wasn't missing much. But it all happened so fast, the weird kid stood up, apparently being named Cassandra. She started talking about goth music and how the American system is bs.

I couldn't pay attention to her speech because next thing I knew, I was almost shot dead. I held on by a bit, barely. The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to see Pico standing there. "Oh shit you're alive! How much does it hurt?" I wanted to say 10, please help me, I'm dying. But I couldn't even speak, I was in so much pain.

"Fuck, okay okay! I'll carry you to the nearest hospital, nobody else in this damn school survived besides me and you." The next thing I knew, Pico was carrying me. It was impressive in the moment, but looking back, I was 65 pounds, and he was about 120, I was obviously able to be carried by him.

[dreamland over]

Huh, weird, I didn't even remember a school shooting. I mean, I don't remember anything, really, but I still thought that would maybe traumatize me? And who was this "Pico" kid? I don't even know who he is now, how did I know who he was in the dream?

I don't have time to worry about that though, I have other pressing matters to attend to. Like, getting off the sidewalk maybe? A job might also be nice. But I didn't even know what I was good at, my parents didn't leave much room for interests.

I could go to a homeless shelter? Oh, right, I'd rather live on the streets then go there. I could ask a stranger for shelter. Yeah, right, they'd give me that with a free kidnapping, hooray! I mean, I could try to find a job as a grocery boy. But I don't really want to do stuff like that, and I probably couldn't get in anyway. Ugh, I'm really bad at this whole "being without parents" thing.

At this moment, someone tried to throw away a paper. They looked weirdly...pixilated? They missed horribly though, and instead ended up getting me straight in the face. I am normally a very composed and calm person, but this was the worst week of my entire life, I wasn't taking this shit from anybody. "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU THROW THINGS, ASSHAT!"

This was pathetic of me to explode on someone like that, but I was really angry. After composing myself a short while later, I ended up deciding what the hell? I might as well look at the paper. It read: date this hot girl! Only requirement is to sing in rap battles! Starting on **/**/**! At **:** am! I mean, I'm not that great at singing, but I can try, I guess

Wait, what time? That was just in a few hours! I had to get up real quick and go! Shelter was provided with the girl, so it wasn't going to be entirely terrible. I mean, I'm not the best at rapping, okay admittedly, I know nothing. But I could learn! If only I knew what would happen after I accepted this invite.

Words: 1117

The goal with this remake is to flesh out the story. If you didn't know the story like I did in my head, a lot of things were hard to explain. I can also promise you every chapter will be at least 1000 words, or at least close to that.

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