Chapter 14 - The mall is a prison

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Hey guys!! It hasn't been that long right..?
All of you are dead.
Huh. Damn.

Well anyways, time for a filler chapter. Well kinda. We're gonna have like a filler chapter merged with the beginning of the prison arc. Also...

3rd person

Well..let's just say Nene wasn't wrong.

As the light shined on his face begging him to get up from the bed, a pain became painfully apparent.

Key word: painfully.

Keith moved his arm and it seemed a demon (not GF) slashed at his ass. He couldn't move, couldn't stay still, or even breathe sometimes with the sheer pain.

Damn, Pico actually had a reason to be cocky last night. His cock was big enough to cause Keith's back to be fucking blown out.

Keith would think it wasn't worth it for maybe a second, but it was also really hot to be dominated by Pico.

Worth it?

At the very least, Pico was fucking amazing at aftercare. He led Keith into a bath, gave Keith plenty of food, and put on a show.

Keith wasn't hurting last night so it wasn't needed, but he still liked how it felt to have all this attention from Pico.

Now he needed it more than last night.

Thankfully there was a tray of breakfast on his lap, so he didn't have to move that much. The remote was out of grasp, but the tv seemed to be on a pretty good channel and Keith didn't want to move for obvious reasons.

"And now we return to 40 hours of TheShitShow!" The announcer announced in the video before the show played. Keith remembered hating that show for as long as he had been alive.

Fuck that shit! He thought before the actually tried getting up and failed miserably, falling in the process. Was Keith doomed to a fate of laying still while his least favorite show played in the background?

Nope. Fuck that. He had a boyfriend.

"Picoooo!!" Keith called out. "Ginger! Orange haired bitch! Carrot! Hurry the fuck up!!"

Pico came in the room. "Ugh, you're so whiny today. Damn."

"Well I would be able to do shit on my own, but you kinda blew out my fucking back!" Keith whined in response and in annoyance at Pico. Not mad, Keith could never be mad at his Fire Head. (Crossover when??)

Pico chuckled for a bit while remembering last night. They laughed, they drank, and they fucked like rabbits. Keith was begging for more, making faces the whole way through to make sure Pico remained solid.

In fact, Pico had to leave Keith alone in the tub overnight as the sheets were completely covered and white looking. It looked like something exploded there.

Well, I mean, something did explode there. But only Pico and Keith.

The sheets were washed by 4:00 AM with how hard it was to clean their newly white sheets. It was in the washing machine all night but it seemed to be good by the morning.

Keith practically didn't want to get up from the bed, even if Pico was putting on the sheets for him. His body had gotten used to the bare mattress and he was hurting like hell.

While Keith shoveled pancakes into his mouth, Pico discussed plans for the day.

"So uh, I'm starting to realize that we—us. We haven't really had a lot of couple time."

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