Chapter 8 - The gig is up

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Some people have gotten confused, so I must clear it up. Keith does not love Cherry. At all. He loves the idea of not being homeless and hopes he'll fall in love with her. He will, right...?

Pico POV

Alright, I can't take it anymore.

It's been officially three weeks since that incident, and I can't get my mind off Keith. It's like something forbids me from getting my mind off of him.

Heh, kinda feels like all those years again.

That time where I was horribly in love with Keith. The time where we had an amazing relationship. The time where I loved him. The time where I still can't get my mind off of him.

And the time when it was taken from me. And while I was left to wonder, nothing else could be done. Keith was gone.

For a few years, my best bet was thinking he was dead. When that didn't work, I pretended I didn't know him at all. It wasn't any use.

A crush that lasts 9 years is not normal, is it?

But I can't just let this happen. No, no.

My mind tells me to fuck off, and that I'm just being a creep. Nobody cares for friends this way.

And in a way it's right, Keith doesn't deserve me, so why even try?

But the other part of my mind says to take my chance. It's a bad idea, but take it.

And I can't ignore that part of my brain.

So that's it. Today I'm letting it off my chest. I don't care what happens here anyways. I either lose him forever, or keep him again. Whatever makes Keith happy.



Yes, Pico? I'm in
the middle of

I cringed at my phone, worrying if maybe Keith was on a date with Cherry or something. I ultimately decided to say fuck it and text him anyways.

Who with?

Old friend.

Not with her?

Nah, she's mad at me nowadays.

I furrowed my eyebrows, why the hell would she be made at Keith? What had he done to her, exactly besides be the best boyfriend ever?

Anyways, what's up?

I need you to meet me near
that restaurant, like at that

Damn, that's some nostolgia. I
barely even remember that

The one where we had our
dates, you seriously don't remember?

I told you, I don't remember
a bunch, but I'll be there.

I glanced down and quickly got ready for the third time for the same guy. Except this time I wasn't rushing to meet him or save him from demons on a limo.

I was trying to date him.

I waited in the park for a few minutes. What was a few minutes turned into 15, then 30. I scoffed, wondering if Keith even wanted to be here.

All of a sudden I saw that familiar head of blue but slightly fading back to blond hair.

"Hey Keith, how's it going?" I attempted to joke to light the mood. According to what was in front of me, it wasn't working.

"Hey Pico, why did you want to meet me here?" Keith asked, arms crossed. A confused look on his face.

"Well...I think it would be better if I showed you." I said with a Shit eating grin decorating my face. I wasn't letting him go any time soon. Not until I showed him that I loved him.

"Okay...but quick question." Keith stated when I was close to him.

"Shoot," I said.

"W-why do you need to be right ne-" Keith attempted to ask before I kissed him. His face full of shock, me holding him tight so he couldn't escape.

A light blush decorated both of our faces. Keith looked like he might actually pass out at the very moment.

Our lips were a sharp contrast, while mine were very rough and not well kept, Keith's were strangely very well kept, almost tasted like honey. We mixed nicely.

Then, the kiss deepened.

While Keith was tried to fight back at first, now he was leaning into it, even grabbing me close. If I could, I would smirk right now.

Our tongues danced in perfect harmony, as we took the time to explore each other's mouths very thoroughly. Some could say too thorough.

Turns out Keith was some tricks of his own, as he was licking the top of my mouth and biting my lip. And I later returned the favor.

It was perfect. We were making out for a solid five minutes.

The park was empty this day in particular, so nobody was really around to witness anything. Not like we would've cared, we were so caught up in the moment of making out.

So caught up in fact, we didn't see Cherry beside us holding some flowers. But when we did, I practically dropped Keith.

"H-hey Cherry, how long were you...?" Keith tried to ask.

"Long enough. And don't pretend it was only you either. I can read emotions. You were into it..." Cherry answered.

"Calm down. Damn. I was just shooting my shot, and I failed, nothing to get worked up over. Now you and your boyfriend can-" I attempted to fix the problem.

"What?! You may have just stolen my boyfriend! In fact, I think you did! He never kissed me like that!" She yelled.

Barbie lookalike tried to plunge at me. Of course, from doing hits so often I had learnt to be sneaky and dodge.

"You took my boyfriend!!"

She swung again, nothing happened.

"You took my future!"

At this point I was running circles around her.

"And you! Hey! Where are you going!"

In truth, I didn't even know where I was going. Keith just grabbed me by the arm and all of a sudden we were heading somewhere else. Did I care where? Hell no. Just as long as it's away from this demons daughter.

The place we did end up seemed awfully familiar on first glance. It was only when I had further inspection I realized where it was.

The sight of where our first date was. The place where it all peaked. The place where we first felt comfortable sharing our relationship.

And, the place where it came crashing down.

W: 1051

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