Chapter 7 - Where were you?

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Woo! Been writing for I'll Find You recently, but I'm back doing this now! Drawing by me.
I'm so much better at third person as shown in the previous chapter. So I'll try using it again. If you guys like it, I'll only use that from now on!

3rd person POV
Keith didn't know what to feel, he was really flustered the past month.

This was pretty bad for him being stuck here so long. He planned to marry Cherry and move in right away, after all. This wasn't set in motion, and instead he's been here for a whole month.

It's been nothing short of torture.

Poor Keith.

Because when he wakes up in the same bed, he sees a hot guy right next to him. It makes him flustered. He just wants to lean in his lips every day and-


Not gonna say it.

Never will say it.

I'll never admit it.

Keith's been trying his hardest, he really has. But he can't just pretend this doesn't exist anymore. He has a certain fondness for Pico.

Not a crush.

Totally isn't.

Don't think about it.

Pico was asleep next to him, wrapping his arms around Keith unknowingly. Well, what a fun thing to wake up next to. Pico eventually stopped before he woke up, but just barely.

Any longer and they would've been cuddling, Pico probably would let go though. Right?

Pico always felt himself cuddling something, probably a pillow since it was so soft. It didn't matter, whatever it was helped him sleep. Muffled his thoughts.

Of course, he woke up to see Keith near him, a light blush detailing his face. Thankfully, Keith wasn't turning to face him.

"Oh hey! How are you-" Keith tried to get out.

"Hey hi, how are you, gotta go." Pico rushed out, and into the bathroom.

Pico sat in there for a bit, head curled in his lap. By this point, he knew he had a problem. He liked Keith, no denying it at this point.

The problem was, he was dating someone. And although Pico respected that, he couldn't accept it. Pico wanted Keith way too much to be healthy admiration for someone. No no no, Pico wanted to be with Keith

Although, those emotions weren't going anywhere, clearly!

Really, the whole thing was that Pico's friends would just make fun of Pico and Keith every day. It was endless.

Every day they would both wake up, awkwardly say hi to each other, and go ahead and do whatever they needed to do.

But on the other side, Cherry heard a rumor that Keith was with Pico in his house.

And she was not happy.

"How could Keith betray me like this? He's mine!" She yelled out to her mom, who tried comforting her.

"Shh, shh, it's okay honey. I know it wasn't your fault. This is the way men are, either cheating or idiots. None are ever faithful." The taller of the two told her daughter.

Cherry sniffled, and looked down. She wasn't taking this very good.

"I thought we were destined to be together, why would he betray me? I've been nothing but nice..." she whined.

Mommy Mearest was comforting her daughter, when she suddenly got a determined glance. She hadn't understood why Keith did this, and why he was suddenly 'gay', but she was going to make, him, pay.

Keith on the other hand, was enjoying some waffles. Pico was wearing a Kiss The Cook uniform unknowingly. It was the only apron he had, so he always wore it while cooking.

Randomly, in the middle of Keith eating he dropped his fork and choked on his food. While Pico was wondering what the hell was wrong with him, he realized.

Shit, Pico thought, i have like three hits today, and Keith has got to face off against that demon mother or whatever. Pico slowly realized, suddenly rushing to get ready with Keith beside him.

At this point, there was no way he could get them all done before 2:00 like asked. Goodbye to the pay raise, it was nice while there was a hope of it.

Keith was internally panicking, he knew how defensive Cherry got over a dream, never mind moving in with said ex! And if she knew about the cuddling, ooh, Keith would be dead where he stands!

For him getting ready and rushing out, he expected to have to walk, but was picked up immediately! Mearest standing on the van, angry face on herself.

"So, it's you," she instantly spoke up. "The one who dated my daughter, only to break her heart?" She said with venom in her voice.

"W-well, you see-"

"Shut up, I don't want to hear anything out of your mouth unless it's music." Cherry said.

Meanwhile with Pico, he was trying to keep up with the van. There were 1 or 2 along the way, so it worked out.

What he was really concerned about this, was Keith. Why, there would be a big problem if Keith fell. Pico wouldn't even know what he would do with himself.


In a non relationship way, of course. Totally. Who even was this Keith?

And back with Keith, he had just finished up Satin Panties and was well into High, he could tell she was getting mad with each passing turn.

The anger finally came out in Mommy Mearest at the last song though. "Alright fine, you want a challenge? Show me why that worthless ginger chose you." She said.

Worthless? Did that bitch really say that about me? Pico thought while running. It was probably planned that he wouldn't be able to follow, he was getting more hits every second. Dearest definitely knew.

During the last song when Keith was singing, the van was going faster. Pico could see the hat flying off revealing Keith's bare hair. It was cute like this, but he still caught the hat.

Keith could barely hold on, Cherry seemed to be gripping for dear life, but the mom seemed unaffected completely.

And finally, at a certain point, all the pent up anger from Mearest seemed to explode at Keith at one point in the song. It was mostly nonsense and Pico could barely keep up with it.

Both the song and the limo, did these henchmen ever learn to drive?

After a long while of singing, Keith had finally won and had gotten off the limo. The mother daughter duo was nothing short of shocked.

Pico felt a wave of relief wash through him, he wanted Keith back desperately. It was the best feeling knowing he was okay. Pico would hurt anyone and everyone if he found out Keith fell off the limo.

Likewise, Keith was relieved Pico was okay, missing his face. The comforting way Pico would help calm down Keith. His scars all over his face, his defined face. The way his muscles would almost pop against his shirt, while Keith's was way less defined.

Generally, they were just worried about each other.

But you know...just friends worrying about each other. Nothing terrible about that, right?

Nothing gay about it.

Nothing that signals a relationship happening.


Words: 1202

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