Chapter 12 - Bad Blood

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Seems the only time I improve in my writing is when I write this book. You know what that means..

Reunion (remade remade!) coming soon!!

Nah but for real though, thanks for the support on this book! I'm glad more people are seeing this version instead of the original since I hate the original with a passion. Also be prepared for a TON of POV changes in this chapter.

Without further ado, onto the angst!

Keith POV (again)

He snuck up to them slowly, probably to make sure they didn't notice him right behind them. I assumed he would want to kill them silently, but he actually shot his gun instead.

"Fuck! I knew it! Pico you-!" Cherry yelled at Pico, he scoffed.

"Kill him, I kill you, what can you not understand about that?"

I felt myself crawling into the darkness more and more every moment. It was like I was fighting death just for the right to stay alive, and so far, death was winning. Cherry had ended up slashing my neck, not in an important place but it was my neck nonetheless

I didn't want to die like this. Me and Pico had just gotten our life back! We were gonna marry! And you want to know something ironic? I was going to let us have sex.

Today? Hell no! But soon..

Of course, that went all out the window.

Hah, Pico would laugh at that if he could hear me and I wasn't dying. I think he was winning, but the other blurs in the room were also putting up a pretty good fight.

One fell to the floor.

They were yelling and therefore weren't dead, but I couldn't even tell at that point. The yelling had become the level of whispers. There was no way around it. Fuck, I was dying, and after my life had gotten so much better.

"Alright look you bitches!" Pico yelled out to everyone, "I called the fucking cops minutes ago, and if you don't get the fuck out of my house I'll kill you all right here!"

"Try it!" One of the blurs yelled out furiously.

And then there was a loud ringing shooting sound. I don't know if it was Pico or if it was cops, but I wasn't prepared for either to have saved me so quickly.

Cherry POV

Of fucking course they got here. That moron ginger probably called the cops when he was outside the house! This is fucking ridiculous! My plan got caught, both were free, and my parents..

Oh shit, my parents, they were going to be really mad. Their only daughter getting sent to jail not on purpose? I remember how mad they got when I ruined their reputation by being born!

I was carried away in cuffs into the back of the car, along with these two crime people. Worst fucking heist ever.

Speaking of, that's how the ginger happened to fight us three off long enough! If I was just alone, I could've slashed with no worry, but with them I had to be careful.


What did I ever do? I didn't want to do this! I wanted to be with Keith! I wanted to keep him single!

But did I?

When I saw that girl in the house, my love for Keith suddenly seemed to fade away. There's no way I could be in love with her! My parents always said Keith was the one for me.

As they said, it was Keith or out on the streets.

And I loved him still! I wanted to be with..


Damnit, of course. She even had an attractive name that I was lucky to hear when we were being dragged out. Nene, huh? Well that's just great!

Although, I was in cuffs so I don't know if it would ever be realized. She probably hated me, too. I stabbed her friends, there was no way she loved me back anymore.

Why did I go through with this plan?

Pico POV (last one I swear)

Hah! That'll show!..

OH SHIT! Keith!!

I looked over and it looked like he lost a ton of blood. He was definitely struggling to stay awake and alive.

I ran over to him and hugged him tight, letting a few tears drop. For the first time since that damn school had been shot up and I had seen Keith before he was mine dead on the floor.

I wasn't a person to cry, everyone knew that. All that trauma at a young age had induced a ton of bullying. And before I knew how to fight back, I would rely on not giving a reaction.

It doesn't work. Don't let adults brainwash you.

But sitting here on the room I wanted to be in mere minutes ago, I was sobbing. On top of Keith's corpse too.

"D-damn ginger, didn't know you were a crier." Keith choked out, barely having a whisper voice.

"Hah...even near death you still make me laugh."

Keith laughed for a mere second, however it must have hurt him cause he stopped immediately after.

"Please don't die babe. Don't go into the light. You'd better not leave me..please.." I cried with the tears on his shirt, wetting it further.

"You're the best thing that every happened to me.." Keith finally stated, letting his words out slowly as if they were fragile. "I-I love y-you.."

His eyes closed.

"I love you too..please hear me.."

He didn't hear clearly.

I yelled at him. "DIDN'T YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?? I SAID I LOVED YOU TOO!!" In a way, I knew I was yelling at nothing, but it still comforted me.


"He can't hear you, and if you do nothing, he'll never hear you again." Nene said beside me in an emotionless voice. Probably heard about something, I didn't fucking care.


"Stop yelling at me and take him to a damn hospital, that's what you should fucking do. Now anyways, I gotta go somewhere else." Nene groaned at me before going into her car and driving away, leaving me with my sorrow and thoughts.

She was right, I had to take him to a hospital before he really did die in my arms.

There was some nearby, and thankfully they weren't full. Especially once I showed them the condition Keith was in.

I wasn't let in until he was in a better condition. He'd be okay.

I don't know what I'd do without him.

Words: 1142

Consider Childhood memories ending one to make it a short book, and this is ending 2! If you wanted Keith to die because you are some sick fuck then cool, here's a chapter! There'll probably be one more ending before the true ending!

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