Chapter 10 - Us in full

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Okay okay okay, I know I didn't update for a while, but that's because last chapter was 3300 words and I'm exhausted. But I can't ignore it forever, let's go!

Be prepared for helpful Cassandra. I know, it's not canon but it's convenient for this chapter so shhh.

Pico POV

It was a peaceful night of sleep.

But when both of us woke up, we almost fell off the building in surprise. It was a pretty high fall too, so that wasn't exactly the best idea.

The warm embrace of each other's arms helped both of us sleep throughout the night. No nightmares present like usual, which was always welcome. I didn't see victims that I needed to shoot which were begging for life.

When we both finally came back to our senses, we realized what had happened. Both in shock, we took a moment to laugh for a second before starting to panic.

"Shit! Shit! What the fuck are we gonna do Pico?" The blue person next to me frantically yelled out, his hands squeezing mine.

"I-I don't know. We can't stay here though-"

"Well no shit!" He screamed out interrupting me before I got the chance to say my plan. His face instantly had a look of regret before I assured him it was fine.

"We'll have to flee town. I think they aren't as popular in (insert town name). That's probably where we'll have to flee." I assured Keith, he was hyperventilating but thankfully seemed to stop when I comforted him in my arms. A light blush decorated his face.

"(Insert town name)? That's so far away from here! Do you even know anyone there?" Keith asked while leaning onto my shoulder. It was probably a pathetic sight, two basically wanted men freaking out on a roof.

"We made our choice. There's no turning back now.." I said to Keith, which probably wasn't the best idea in the moment as he was already scared of the future.

"W-what about Nene..? Darnell? How will they know?" He asked, I thought it was sweet he already got close to the two.

"We'll ask them to move with us. If they don't, it's their choice," I thought about it but ultimately decided to move. I didn't want to be hunted by the most popular stars in town, their influence was unbelievable. If we were hunted by them we might as well have jump off the building.

Keith grumbled something about trying to speak out against the Dearests, to which I rolled my eyes. They couldn't be killed or arrested, and even if they could their demon magic is too prevelant.

I sighed before deciding to get off this building before I actually do fall. It was gonna be great starting over as some snobs would say. Not like I exactly had anything happening here.

Quickly dialing Nene and Darnell, to which Nene only picked up. "What the hell, ginger? I don't have time to speak. I'm on a fuckin' date!" She whisper yelled into the phone.

"Stop lying. Nobody would want to date your ugly ass."

"This 'ugly ass' was good enough for you 3 years ago!" Nene smirked at me. Damn, really didn't want that brought up in front of him.

"Hey, when you're drunk shit happens."

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts!" She said, which made me want to leave her here in all honesty.

"Not the point. We're moving, I'll text you the address, don't go home." Then I hung up before blueberry looked back at me expectantly.

"What? Anyone else you wanna take home?" I asked to which Keith promptly shook his head. Oh, yeah I guess I should tell him about it.

"He didn't pick up," I said while shrugging. "I'll let him in eventually, but he'll have to suffer a bit for not picking up my calls."

"Cruel bitch.." Keith muttered right beside me, thinking I didn't hear him.

"Wanna say that to me in bed?" Keith blushed before looking away with a blush reappearing on his face. He was obviously thinking about it.

Let's skip ahead a bit, about 15 days. I was a freelance person for hire, which wasn't consistent or well paid, but it kept the lights on. Keith wasn't exactly a housewife (despite the skirt I bought him) but he kept the house well enough.

My job at the moment was carrying some stuff for the workers. It was heavy, but every time I felt like giving up I would imagine my darling at home and would instantly feel better.

Darling? When the hell did I become such a pus-

Oof! Damn that's heavy! What the hell would they need these for? Thank goodness in a month I'll be at a better job which will actually pay me decent wage.

Every night I would go home to Keith. We would worry sometimes about her family catching up to us, but nobody had even gone looking for us recently. It was strange.

In the first few days, there were posters up that we both tore down when we saw them. Now there was nothing, which frankly made us both worried.

I decided to take out my phone and post a selfie. But like an idiot, I had location on with the app. My shift was over, so my first priority would be getting back to Keith as soon as possible.

I felt myself being followed, but when I looked back, there was nothing. I had been in this scenario before, so I quickly drove them off.

..Too quickly, actually..

But it would all be worth it. Maybe this time Keith will finally agree to us having se-

A twig cracked. A singular twig. Again nothing was there. I took out my gun and shot a few places before quickly widening my eyes and realizing that nobody was there.

"Don't listen to yourself~." A voice called out.

Shit, this would be the time you would come out, huh?

"Basically. Don't worry, I'm here to help you. I'm only alive in your mind after all, aren't I? If you die, what do I get from it?" Cassandra cooed out from behind me as I gulped.

Go away. I killed you once I'll do it again you bitch.

"Ooh, ouch, aah I'm so saaad! Look, I'm here to help you, and you should be prepared."

I pulled out my gun to try to make her go away.

"Yeah, that. I'll go away now, but just be prepared for what you see, mk?" With that, she disappeared. That was strange, she usually never had my well-being in mind. What demon spawn was making her turn good?

I walked in and saw a horrific sight. Keith was covered in blood and quickly bleeding out, his mother was holding a knife with a knife in his chest, and his father was holding Keith. Blood decorated the floor and walls.

I clenched my fist.

W: 1160

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