how do you use this thing?

644 17 14

Luz POV 

blood warning

I pushed open the cafes door and walked out with Willow and Amity and started to walk down the street "well that was nice" I looked back at them both and they turned there heads ever so slowly and looked at me with a cheery expression on there faces  looks like they enjoyed having a relaxing time it felt a bit weird that me and Amity weren't at each others  throats "yeah I did enjoy it" Amity replied braking the short lived silence "well I am gla-" I was cut of by the sound of sashing glass and  a Shop owner shouting "THIEF" I wiped myself around getting ready to watch an enjoyable chase but suddenly I felt a blast of wind fly past me it ... IT WAS WILLOW  she looked like she was going after the Thief but why. 

I looked at Amity and she looked exactly as I did "well shall we go after her" Amity just nodded and we both ran after Willow "why is Willow going after that Thief we are in no way good people" Amity asked me between huffs of air "I don't know but it will be fun to find out" we followed Willow in to an alleyway we were a bit behind Willow and the Thief. Me and Amity went around a corner in the alleyway I spotted Willow but she was at a stop me and Amity walked up to Willow and saw that Willow had a bit of blood on her face Amity looked out of breath but also worried for Willow  "w-why do you have blood all over you f-face Willow?" Willow turned her head towards us "ha! you should see the over guy man she put up a bit of a fight ha".

I looked down at the ground seeing the Thief covered in vines and blood also I think she has a broken nose "why did you do this Willow do you suddenly want to be a hero?" I put on a bit of a harsh tone Willow let out a small laugh "me a hero not in a million years I was just stealing the loot" me and Amity looked baffled "smart" that is all that I could say at that moment "so what did she have on her?" Amity asked Willow then pulled out £300 "WOW that was worth it" I laughed   Willow wiped the blood of her face "well we better get back to the dorms " I walked up to a wall and leaned on to it and gave Willow eye contact "actually I was thinking could I take the Webley out for a spin you know because I do need to know how to shoot it".

Willows face lit up "YESSS ok you know the field at the outskirts of town go there and I will meet you with the revolver" and with that off Willow went I looked at Amity and shrugged "so shall we head off" I nodded.  

Time skip to the place they said they were going

Me and Amity hoped the gate going in to the field "whoa there is a lot of land here also tons of grass" Amity looked around amazement while I looked at her as she was an idiot "well of fucking course there will be grass in a field do you think there will be a fucking shop here you idiot" Amity just flipped me off we walked further in to the field and found a flat aria that is perfect to set up "hey Human how long do you think Willow will be?" I puled  smug face and looked at her "it has only been two minutes  be patient" I saw Amity's face drop and she looked annoyed "did you just copy what I said earlier" I just laughed seeing her get more annoyed honestly I thought she is going to kill me if I keep annoying at her. 

5 minutes has gone by and Me and Amity are still waiting for Willow Amity is now sitting on the ground and here I thought she was oh to posh to sit on the grass like us commoners "just text her to see if she is on her way" Amity fell on her back "ok princess I will do as you command" I put on some shabby posh accent "oi I am not a princess" I smirked "well you do act as one time to time" Amity bolted up and shouted "I DO NOT" looking at her so mad was just so funny it is like a puppy growling "ha o- ok I will call her" I pulled out my phone to call Willow "call who?" I laughed "Willow of course you just asked me" I let out a little laugh "why do you need to call me I am right here?" 

"huh" I looked up and well it was Willow alright "AGH no need to scare me like that Willow" Amity started to laugh at my poor sense of surroundings "how the hell did you creep up on me?" Willow looked confused "I did not creep up on you I just hoped the gate and walked up to you guys" well in that moment I felt stupid extremely stupid "anyway here is the Webley" Willow passed me the revolver and well it felt more heaver than I thought I brock the revolver seeing that it is already loaded "ok Luz so I take it that you have never shot a gun before so one thing to keep in mined that revolver has a bit of recoil so pleas try not to break you wrist"  I fixed the revolver snapping it back into place "ok Luz see thought cans I set up shoot at them remember to take aim" 

I looked at willow with confidence "ok lets do this" I lifted up the revolver and looked down the sights and lined it up with one of the cans I could feel my finger pushing down on the trigger then BANG I fired the revolver throwing my arm back way to far I looked at the cans and I completely missed  I lowered my arm "wow this thing really has a kick to it ok so do I now pull back the hammer now?" Willow turned her attention to me "well you can if you want you could also just shoot again"  I looked back at the cans "oh so I can pull back the hammer or I could just go ham on the trigger nice" I ones again lifted my arm up and looked down the sights and I pulled down on the trigger twice this time I could hear the shots echo and I looked again at the cans and well they all are still standing 

 "man you are bad at this" Amity laughed I looked at her "well you see the spaces between the cans well I am aiming at those" Amity just laughed Willow put her hand to her chin " I swear I heard that from some were but I don't know what" 

  ____________________________________ HI  its me whoa look at me posting two chapters in the same week so did you like this one I hope you did or I will find you and I will kill you ok bye         

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