The Job

523 11 33

Luz P.O.V

(warning death and that stuff)

Me, Willow and Amity are crouching down on top of a roof top and observing our enemies movement, as my hand clenched on my bat.

Willow: well here we are you guys ready?

Me and Amity: yeah we are ready

Willow looked at me and Amity with a grin on her face, when ever she looks like that we know full well she has a plan.

Willow: ok you two make a distraction while I sneak in to get the briefcase ok?

Me: wha- why don't you do the distraction, leaving all the dirty work for me and Amity huh 

Willow: what no I just got this nee trench coat and I don't want to get it dirty 

Me: when have you ever worried about that?

Willow; since now 

Willow let out a small chuckle before turning her head back facing the enemy. 

Amity: hey I think me and Luz should head down, I think I have found a blind spot

Willow: ok you two can head down and well try not to die ok 

Me : don't worry I will look after Amity


Amity than covered her mouth with her hands knowing what she has just done.

"HEY, I think there are some kids up there spying on us!"

Me : AMITY look what you have done you gave away our position by shouting 

Willow: stop arguing I will get the briefcase you two hold them off 

And with that Willow jumped down of the roof and running in to the base, knocking out  some guards too.

Me: come on lets do this 

Amity: y-yeah 

Me and Amity then jumped down getting ready for combat. Amity began using her abomination Magic, sending a guard flying against a wall. 

I look around and spot a guard charging towards me and drawing a green spell circle. Then a large vine with sharp thorns shoots from the ground and darts strait for me.

I raise up my bat and swinging it hitting the vine, sending the vine flying away from me. I carry on charging towards the guard once again raising my bat but then I stop.

Me: huh why aren't I moving?

I than look down and see a vine raped around my leg.

Me: I have been on the internet enough to see there this is g- ahhhhh

The Vine than through me up in to the air and I came crashing back down on to a large container.

Amity: LUZ! 

Amity Runs over to where I have crashed down to looking up to the container.

Me: Man that really hurt you know 

I shakily got up and the feeling of relief washed over Amity like a wave- I mean she would not care  if Luz got badly hurt heh yeah 

I than stood up looking down at the guard at take a deep breath and titan the grip of my bat.

Me: Its over umm what's your name? 

Guard: Clive 

Me: oh really anyway ahem Its over Clive I have the high ground!  

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