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Luz P.O.V

It has been about three days sense the whole me getting shot thing and well I am doing better I can kind of walk more like a limp than anything. the most of the time I stayed In bed and just watched Tv and played games with well Amity, who has well never left my side and became a bit more protective. Also I have not been going In to class for well obvious reasons.

Me: Ha! I won suck it!

I threw my controller to the side of my bed while Amity sat there in defeat, she put her controller on to my bed side table and stood up.

Amity: hey want anything to eat? 

Me: ehh sure want help cooking?

Amity: NO! I-I mean no thank you just stay there and relax 

Me: o-ok then 

Amity: how dose soup sound

Me: yeah that will do

Amity quietly left my room and shut the door with a click. leaving me just staring at my Tv displaying 'P1 wins!'      

Me: ugh I'm board there is nothing to do in this damn bed!

So with that I fought my way out of my bed and 'walked' to my door and then opening it. I than made my way in to the living room and sitting myself down on to the sofa, from the sofa I looked in to the kitchen where I could see Amity cooking, honestly I am surprised that she did not hear me come in. 

I than got up and waddled in to the kitchen because what else am I going to do and well I could see that Amity was making chicken soup. I stumbled up behind her putting my arms around her waist and putting my chin on her shoulder.

Me: what you up to?

Amity: AHH! you frightened me!

it took about 5 seconds for her to finger out what position we were in and a big indicator of that is her face turned well red. some will say it is a blush overs a tomato.

Amity: u-umm Luz w-why are you so close? 

Me: aww Blight are you all flustered

Amity: s-stop teasing me and get off

Me: but Amity I am injured I need something to lean on~       

Amity: than u-use the counter 

Me: but that's not you~

Amity: ....

Me: .... 

Amity: a-are you trying to flirt with me? 

Me: so what if I am?

Amity: w-well ummm JUST GO BACK TO BED!

At this point Amity was a blushing mess an well I can't lie I felt like I was to. It seamed like Amity has suffered enough so I took a weak step back with my arms still around Amity and well When I brought my other foot back I tripped on my own leg and fell down taking Amity with me. 


Amity landed on top of me and well I think we all know what position we were in. I looked up at Amity trying to hide how much pain I was in because of my wound so I just smiled ad said.

Me: wow Blight I did not know you were in to me in that way heh

Amity that was well looked like her brain has just gotten fried just tried to think of what to say.

Amity: u-umm its not my fault we are like this you are the one that fell!

Me: well If you hate it that much why are you still sitting on top of me?

And with that Amity shot up and off of me leaving me on the ground. she than let down her arm to help me up and well of course I grabbed it. 

Me: thanks 

Amity: n-no problem

I than lean on to the counter finally letting Amity get back to cooking the soup. 

fulfilling Time skip 

The soup came and went and well it was nice I was surprised that it was edible it seamed that Amity enjoyed it to.

I got up from the sofa and walked over to my bed, with Amity's help of course, I than got in to my bed and Amity sat on a chair. 

Me: hey Amity?

Amity: yeah what is it

Me: want to watch a Move? 

Amity: ooooohhhh Yeah what Movie?

Me: hmmmmm a war one

Amity: do you have one in mined?

Me: I think it was called during the trenches?

Amity: nah sounds shit 

Me: yeah true 

Time skip about a hour

It only took about 10 minuets to fined a movie to watch the over 50 Minuets was us / Amity trying to finger out how to make popcorn but it all worked out in the end.

Amity sat next to me on my bed so she could see tv better or well that is what she tolled me. we ended choosing a super hero to watch.

I pressed play on the remote and the move started to play.

_______________________________________________________________ hi it's me so again I am sorry that this chapter was shorter than my normal ones I am having a bit of writers block so yeah anyway ahem you can read my other book After the trenches if you want idk. Ok that's all bye       



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