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Luz P.O.V


I shouted sitting down in the living room, getting reminded of somthing evil just awful, somthing down right terrible. my leg started to bounce form the student feeling of anxiety, Amity heard the loud yell that left my mouth and ruched in as soon as she could worried if I gotten myself hurt. 

Amity: LUZ! a-are you ok, you gave me quite a fright

Me: n-no I'm not okay I remembered somthing awful

Amity; oh god what is it? please tell me 

Me: okay I remembered about t-t-the EXAM

I let out a small whimper after those horrid words left my lips, I curled up in to a ball on the sofa comforting myself as numbers and equations flashed through my brain, I felt sick to the stomach like I would throw up any second now.

Amity: .... drama queen 

she huffed turning around and walking back over to her door chuckling to herself 

Me: well thank you I am a queen, took you a while to notice. but still I haven't studied  enough!

I whined reaching my hand out to amity, who was walking back to her room but stopped in the middle of the hallway after I spoke. 

Amity: ugh if it'll make you feel better we can studied in my room 

Me: mama warned be about woman like you ... I was hoping she was right     

Amity: hah you wish get your brain out of the gutter and come study 

Me: aughhhh now I don't want too

Amity glared at me, like she knew I would say that, she walked over to me with a grin across her face, she then placed both of there hands on the arm of the sofa and leaned forward to me, and don't worry I was being a good girl and only looked at her ti- FACE! 

Amity: aw such a shame who knows what could of happened in my room~

Me: I appreciate you are trying to motivate me buy teasing my sex drive but still no, I will not be fooled ... again

Amity: yeah surprisingly you can learn not to fall for my trap and not what nine plus ten equals

Amity lifted one of her hands and summoned a pink fire ball in it, now I'm not the smartest person alive but I know when I'm in danger. 

Me: firstly its twenty-one and secondly I'm not going to study, even though it would be the smart thing to do but well I'm not smart soooooo fuck you

I then jumped off the sofa ran passed Amity and darted to the door, as I did so I felt two fire balls whizz past my head. I swung open the door and rushed out of it. 

Me: shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, where do I go ummm AH! willows room 

I grinned to myself as I charged down the hallway, passed many doors with numbers on them, my breathing picked up from the running I was doing and my heart started pumping as fast as it ever hade, because of the running and the fear that I'll get caught by Amity and burned to a crisp. 

Amity barged open the dorm room door spotting me running down the hallway, Amity chuckled and started throwing fire at me, I tuned my head watching a pink flaming wall zoom closer and closer to me, I then saw a small gap between the floor and the bottom of then fire wall so I threw myself down to the ground and prayed to got that I wont get burned, though I looked like a plank of wood so I'll probably be fine. 

The fire wall passed be hitting the wall at the end of the hallway, making the fire wall vanish, I then jumped back on my feat and began running again, because a purple haired monster was heading my way. 

Me: leave me aloneeeeeeeee 

Amity: not until you get in my roommmmmm 

poor soul who heard that out of context: the fuck did I just hear? 

  poor soul who heard that out of context nu.2: I don't know but I'm jealous, you go who ever you are! 

I saw Willows room, a tear appeared in my eye, finally I'll be safe, I reached Willows room  and banged my fists against it as I watched Amity aggressively approach me.


Then in a flash Willows door swung open and a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me in, the arm pulled me off my feet and as it let go I flew on to the ground. 

Willow: I knew this day would come

Me: thank you willow you're doing gods work

Willow then pointed at the wardrobe  she conveniently had in her living room and I ruched into it and hid, there was a small crake between the doors that I looked through watching Willow wait for Amity. I calmed my breathing and waited along side willow for the purple storm to arrive. 

Then in about twenty seconds of us waiting ... yes I counted, there was a knock at the door, Willow took a beep breath in and opened up, there stood the purple monster, huffing and puffing, her chest moving up and down, and her fists clenched up, kind  of hot to be honest I'll give a 7 out of ten, not a ten out of ten because she could rip my head off at any second. 

Willow: sooo amity what brings you here? 

Amity: where is she?

willow: where is who? 

Amity: LUZ!

Amity roared walking in to Willows living room taking a look around, and then stopping at the wardrobe, she looked confused but then smiled. 

Amity: huh now why do you have a convenient wardrobe in your living room? 

Willow: well um I umm think it looks um ..... Y E S 

Amity walked over to the wardrobe where I was in, placed her hand onto the handle and swung it open, my soul left my body watching the light rush into the wardrobe an seeing Amity standing there in front of me. 

Me: u-um you come here often? 

Amity just huffed pinched my ear and dragged me all the way back to out dorm, where she forced me to study and gave me an earful about my procrastination    

___________________________________________________________________________________ haha I'm here after three months yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay anyway did you like that? yes it was a but goofy but I enjoy goofy stuff and I hope you do too, anyway if you want to read more stuff by me I have a book called after the trenches, go check it out if you want.  anyway bye I guess hah  


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