I'm bored

438 13 13

Luz P.O.V 

Me: aaaanddd DONE !

I put down the last number and officially finished studying, It has been a few weeks since the whole battle thing went down and my leg has fixed up quite nicely, though I do miss Amity pampering me it is good to be able to finally walk again.   

I looked up at Amity who was sitting in the sofa chair playing on her phone, because she finished her studying an hour ago. But for some reason she looked a bit out of it today. normally she would play Minecraft on her phone after she finished and have that smug look on her face, knowing that she is still better than me in every way. 

Me: umm Amityyyyy 

I waved my hands above my head to try to catch the girls attention but it fell through, what on earth was wrong with her. I looked back down at the coffee table I was studying on and found a rather small but heavy book, I picked it up knowing a excellent way to grab Amity's attention. 

I placed my right hand on the the spine of the book and adjusting my position so Amity was right in front of me. I than moved my arm behind my head ready to throw the book. I looked up locking my eyes on Amity's face staring at her smooth and beautiful ski- ayo what am I thinking of. 

I shook of thought thoughts and clenched on to the book that I was about to sent flying towards Amity's face but as soon as i was going to send the book flying she spoke up. 

Amity: I would not do that unless you want your leg to go back to the way it was. 

Amity's voice filled the room, her voice was not angry or annoyed but just a calm and confident not really the reaction you will get from someone when they find out that you were going to throw a book at them. 

Me: ah u- shut up you have been acting weird, you have showed little to no emotion today. 

Amity: well I have a good reason for it 

Me: oh god what did I do this time   

Amity: you did nothing, its just I... I'm really bored 

I looked at Amity giving her the 'what the fuck face'. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

Amity: hey where are you going 

Me: Nope nahhh didn't ask 

Amity: why are you walking away

Me: because I'm not you little toy you can use for entertainment

I swung open the fridge and grabbed a can of coke while Amity began to pout. I opened the can hearing a fizzz come from it. I looked over the counter of the kitchen and stead at Amity who was still pouting in the living room. 

Me: your acting like a child 

Amity: but I'm bored

Me: go annoy Willow or Gus, anyway I don't know what you want me to do 

Amity: we could go outside 

Me: and do what hmmm

Amity: that's the thing I don't know  

Me: hmm you could go shopping i guess 

Amity: not on my own, your coming too 

Me: nop again I'm not you little toy you can use for entertainment

Amity: we will see about that 

Time skip

Me owww you didn't have to chase me a round the dorm and put me in a headlock 

Amity: that is what you get for not cooperating with me 

I rubbed the back of my neck as we both walk through the shopping centre. Amity was doing a bit of window shopping until somthing caught her eye. in a blink of a eye Amity grabbed my arm and began to drag me over to the thing that caught her eye.

Me: huh an arcade  

Amity: yeah well done it is the arcade 

Me: shut up and let's go in 

Me and amity walked in to the arcade and prepared ourselves for some fun

 _________________________________________________________________ WOW after writing a lot of after the trenches it was really hard to get back use to writing this but eh it may not be the best but it was fun heh.

anyway if you want more things to read pleas, pleas, pleas look at my other book after the trenches because I'm really proud of it and think that is is worth your time! anyway that's all from me bye :D 

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