
443 15 12

Luz P.O.V

I follow Amity in to the Arcade, my eyes immediately get blasted by the colourful flashing lights and the bright screens from inside, I stood still for a second letting my eyes adjust the the lights. Watching Amity have a quick look around. 

Me: well this place is ... colourful

I say with a slight chuckle still watching Amity. she walks over to a machine placing both of her hands on to the control panel, looking the Arcade machine over reading the name and spotting out the pictures that were plastered all over it. It was oddly strange seeing her like this normally she is criticizing me but here she looks so innocent and cute. 

I stair at her for a few seconds going off in to my own fantasy, then being dragged out of it by Amity staring back at me with a grin.

Amity: hey dickhead, you got any money? 

Me: w-what why, use your own, cheapskate!

I yelled back at her, She huffed then patting herself down trying to find her purse to no prevail, she than looked back over at me with a smug look on her face. 

Amity: ohh noooo silly ol'me forgot to bring money

Me: I swear you feed off my misery 

I sigh walking over to her pulling out my wallet, giving her some cash. she than takes the money out from my hand and then turns back over to the machine, inserting the money and watched as the game booted up. 

Me: sooooo do you know what type of game this it?

Amity: hah no, it was just the first thing I saw 

Amity beamed slight sticking her tongue out at me, then readying herself for what ever game she picked out. I made my way behind her watching the screen from over her shoulder

Me: you sure you know how to do this?

Amity: how hard can it be, it an arcade game after all

she brags seeing the screen light up and music start to play, she got a firm grip on to the control stick and hovered her other hand over the two buttons  that here next to the control stick. 

Amity: this is going to be to easy

Epic gamer time skip




(insert a goofy sound here)

Amity: FUCK

Amity kicked the machine out of frustration, she was on a loosing streak of 15 rounds. I looked at her confused of how someone could get so mad at a machine and how to make it look so god damn funny. I could feel myself oh the edge of laughter but didn't want to because all of that kicking she is doing might be redirected to me. 

Me: u-um Amity shall we see if we can find a different game? 

I said with some fear not wanting to bring her wrath upon me. she turned her head slightly making only half of her face visible. She looked like she had flames in her eyes form how mad she was getting, sending a shiver down my spine not knowing how this went from funny to extremally scary. 

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