Coffee table

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Luz P.O.V

The Film went on and well it was good enjoyable funny and even sad at some points over all a good super hero film. The credits rolled and Amity moved her head from my shoulder and I immediately missed the warmth coming of her body. 

Amity: Right Luz I know you are going to hate me for saying this but we need to catch up on the work the university is giving us. 

Me: buuuuttt I'm wounded

Amity: what wounded enough to hobble around the dorm and watch a film? 

Me: ughhh fine!

Amity that slid off my bed and on to the wooden floor. I than wiggled myself over to the bed side where Amity was wanting for me. when I got the the edge of the bed Amity lightly pleased her hand on to my arm lifting me up she also, put her arm over my shoulders helping me walk, we made it all the way over to the living room and down to the coffee table. 

Amity: Right Luz stay here while I go get our work ok

Me: right!

Amity than disappeared in to her bed room only to reappear with some books, pens and paper. she than sat across from me dropping everything at once causing a lout THUD on to the table. Amity than grabbed a pen opened a book and started to work. Me on the over hand I have not even gotten started. I grabbed a pen and a book and prepared myself for boredom.

While I have nothing better to do I looked up at Amity noticing little things that she dose when she is working like tapping the end of her pen on the table and curling a strand of hair with her index finger and the way her eyes light up when she figures somthing it could make anyone's  day! wait a second 

I quickly snap out of my day dream and realise how creepy that sounded. I grab a book to try and get my head out of the clouds and focus on the job at hand. As soon as I flip open the book and eyes lay on to the first word.

Me: I don't want to do this            

Amity: well Its not my fault if you get kicked out of that guys class 

Me: well he is setting the bar to high

Amity: it is one test

Me: one test to many 

Amity: look Luz I'm not going to argue with you just get back to work

Me: yeah that is what a loser will say 

At that very second, Luz was on the narrow ledge between life and Death. Amity's eyes shot up at me and of course I was putting on a smug face that probably worsened my situation. Amity's hand clenched in to a fist her eyes turned red, If this was a cartoon you would probably see steam coming from her ears.

Me: ohh I did not know you were so sensitive I only called you a loser, are you really getting mad at a insult a 5 year old would say 

Amity: Shut up Luz and get back to work 

Me: make me

Amity: it will be my pleasure!

Amity than slammed her hands on to the coffee table and was leaning across it out faces being inches apart. being up close to Amity she looked way more pissed than I thought but I think she was bluffing I don't really think she will hurt me... I hope.

Amity than with one of her hands grabbed the front of my shirt lifting me of the ground a little. Before she exploded in to a monster of rage we both heard some running out side of our dorm. 

Amity than let go of me and took a step towards the door to see what was going on. but befor she could get in to arms reach the door was kicked open. 

Amity that quickly drew two spell circles one making a shield around me and another making a flame in her hands. me and Amity do not know if this person is a threat or not and Amity is not taking any chances.

???: I can't believe you forgot about me!

Amity: I don't ever know who you are

???: oh you know who I am, you both do!

Amity properad for battle as a shadow of the intruder emerged. Amity's breathes picked up in speed her hands got sweaty and Luz could not do a thing to help she felt useless. At last the intruder stepped in to the room and a gasp escaped from both of the girls mouths

Luz and Amity: GUS!

Gus: hi guys! 

Amity: what brings you here?

Gus: umm to find you guys all three of you just vanished 

Amity: what you did not know we were here?

Gus: yeah not a text or a call 

Amity: I tolled Willow to tell you 

Gus: ah that's your problem Willow is not very reliable with texts even worse than Luz and that is saying somthing 


Gus: heh anyway Eda tolled me every thing and I had to take that stupid entrance exam while you three just bribed past it

Amity: heh sorry about that 

Gus: yeah yeah thats fine but I also figured out you did a job with out me!

Amity: yeeah and that two 

Gus: ah well It dose not matter now at least I'm here 

Gus than walked over to the sofa taking a seat with a long drawn out sigh. he took  a look around the room seeing that I needs a clean but he would never say that out loud. 

Luz: sooooooo Gus how have you been?

Gus: ah good I guess just plotting revenge on willow 

Luz: ah umm you are not going to murder her right 

Gus: what no, just a prank or somthing what do you think I am?    

Amity walks back over to the coffee table where she was sitting and picks up the book where she was working from. 

Amity: well Gus before we were rudely intrusted we were studying do you want to join us? 

Gus: oh god no that sounds awful, why would you put luz through that 

Amity: what it is just some work?

Gus: no I was speaking about being in the same room with you for hours  

I than gave Gus a little fist pump after her said that.  

Amity: you little shit 

Me: hey Gus if I were you I would run       

Gus: noted, ok bye 

 With that Gus ran the fastest he could away from Amity because he would rather live another day.

____________________________________________________________ Huh it has been a while hasn't it? well I am now just barely getting over my writers block with this book you huzzah to that anyway I hoped you like this chapter and if you want more things to read I have another book  called After the Trenched anyway see you guys when I do bye!  

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