Announcement update thing

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Hello so sorry if I got your hopes up that this will be a story chapter anyway so as some of you know I have ran out of motivation with this fanfic that dose not mean  I am ditching it though don't worry.

So I was thinking damn I need to get something out to prove that I am not dead so then it struck me why don't I make another fanfic but what au will it be or what will be the plot well I have an idea and some of you know what that idea is. 

the fanfic I though of making is the owl house of course and I will be adding a nice pastime of mine and that is well history so the fanfic will be beast in the year 1918 after would war one you know because no one really talks about that war as much as the second it will be a little more fresh and it will be sibling Au.

ok now on to the sort of idea I have of it ahem so Lucia has well came back from the war and yes I know females did not fight in the war but hush anyway she gets of the train and Luz is happy to see her alive and all of that Lucia's background is lower class so she works In a factory and I do wonder what family owns that certain factory there that is what I have planed and well a little bit more of course. 

so what do you think tell me if you like the idea and if you do I will probably make it and if you don't like it and want me to do another Au or setting you can always tell me well that's that soo well bye :)    


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