Chapter Five

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Sally's POV:

I've been working for days on end making my arc reactor with the help of dad who's been making his own. We stare at our creations shining bright blue watching them charge, our first step towards freedom. Yinsen appaering behind us looking at the reactors "That doesn't look like a Jericho missile"

"That's because it's a miniaturized arc reactor. I got a big one powering my factory at home. It should keep the shrapnel out of our hearts" dad explained "But what could it generate?"  Yinsen asked.

"If my math is right and it always is three gigajoules per second" Dad explained "That could run your heart for 50 lifetimes yeah or something big for 15 minutes" Yinsen calculated. 

We walked over to the work bench I pulled out the blueprints for the suit "this is our ticket out of here" dad said "What is it?" Yinsen asked "Flatten them out and look" I said, flattening them out for him.

"Oh, wow. Impressive" Yinsen said in amazement.


After having the arc reactors charge for a day it was finaly time to make the swap. 

I watched slightly on edge as Yinsen replaced dads electromagnet with the arc reactor. This is what we had been working towards this would power our escape plan sure we were still a long ways off completing it but this was a start.

Once the procedure was finaly over I could breathe easy "How are you feeling?" I asked as dad stood up from the table. 

"Better. Now its your turn" dad said placing a hand on my shoulder. I took in a deep breath and pulled off my shirt leaving me in a sports bra. I went over and laid on the table the cold surface shocking me.

Dad came over with the arc reactor handing it over to Yinsen to swap them over. 

I jump up feeling better than ever a smile clear on my face. For the first time in almost a month. 


I felt someone shaking me awake causing me to sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes finding dad "wha..." I began to ask but quickly saw the terrorists enter the room. I quickly stood up and put my hands on my head.

"Relax" said the terrorist I asumed was in charge. I broke out into cold sweat as he aproached my dad, pulling down his shirt to see the arc reactor "The bow and arrow once was the pinnacle of weapons technology"  he said walking over to have a look at one of the missiles that had been pulled apart.

"It allowed the great Genghis Khan to rule from the Pacific to the Ukraine. An empire twice the size of Alexander the Great and four times the size of the Roman Empire But today, whoever holds the latest Stark weapons rules these lands."

He walked over to the bench where the blue prints were left. 'Oh shit' I thought panic was written all over my face then Yinsen made a gesture to relax . He put down the blueprints not realising anything and continued with his speech "and soon, it will be my turn"

Then he started talking to Yinsen in a language that I could not understand then some man pushed Yinsen on his knees and the leader picked up some tongs that were lying on the table.

He went to the fire and got a piece of coal forcing Yinsen's head down on the anvil. They keep talking back and forth in the language I couldn't understand which began to really annoy me the piece of coal was getting closer to his head and the argument was getting louder.

I couldn't watch anymore as I walked forward saying "don't hurt him" and all gun went on me. I began shaking in my spot as dad steped infront of me "we need him good assistant" 

I watched as the terrorist put the piece of coal down on the anvil a mere inch away from Yinsen's face. "You have till tomorrow to assemble my missile" he said throwing the tongs across the room.

The second he left the room I broke down this was all too much. Dad wrapped his arms around me and held me "Look we dont have much time and I need you to focus on making the suit. I need you to keep being strong and push through" I simply nodded my head and wiped the tears from my eyes as I walked over to my work.

We had been working flat out for the last however many hours. I was finishing up the weapons with Yinsen while dad was finishing up the armour.

After I finished putting tape around my hands I chucked the role of tape over to dad. Yinsen helped me put a jacket and gloves on then a neck piece. He helped me put on the armour while dad was doing the same.  I was putting on the rest of my armour while Yinsen was helping dad put on his power suit.

I heard bashing at the door followed by a mans voice in a forigein language. "Say something" dad told Yinsen. "His speaking Hungarian I don't" Yinsen tried to explain but dad interrupted "Then speak Hungarian."

"Okay, okay" he said and thought for a moment then yelled something. They opened the door then BOOM my explosion went off "How'd it work" dad said "oh my goodness it worked all right" Yinsen said in amazement "of course it worked I made it" I said

"Great work Sal" dad said "can I power it up now" I asked walking over to the laptop "yes  you remember what to do" dad asked "of cause I do" I reassured.

"Tell me when you see the progress bar" dad said "I see it" I said continuing to power up the suit I then went to go get my weapons.

"They're coming" Yinsen said beginning to panic "nothing pretty just get it done" dad said trying to calm Yinsen down  a bit "They're coming" Yinsen stressed.

"Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay?" Dad told us.

"We need more time" Yinsen said looking aver at the laptop "Hey, I'm gonna go buy you some time" he said walking towards the exist "Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!" dad said.

"Yinsen" I yelled running to him "stay here" Yinsen told me as he ran out. "Sal" dad voice called out bringing me back. I walked over to help him when the suit was fully charged all light in the room went out and I could hear dad breaking the chains.

"Sal where are you" I could hear dad say "here" I said as a bunch of terrorists walked in, one walking right in front of dad then dad smashed him in the headcausing all the terrorists to start firing but dad smashed them all.

We walked out and a whole lot more started firing. I shot two and dad smashed the rest.

The others ran and shut the door we smashed it open dad went to hit a guy in the head but got his arm stuck oh god I shot all the men that tried to run.

Then one of them tried to shoot dad in the head but it just reflected of his armour and hit him instead.

We walked into an opening of the cave and found Yinsen. "Yinsen" dad yelled.

"No" I said softly then Yinsen yelled "watch out" then the leader went to shoot us but missed then dad shoot him and we went to Yinsen.

"Starks" he said dad lifted up his helmet I did the same "Come on we got to go move for me, come on we got a plan we're gonna stick to it" dad said.

"This was always the plan, Stark" he said "Come on, you're gonna go see your family Get up" dad said trying to believe that Yinsen wasn't going to die.

"My family is dead I'm going to see them now, Stark its okay I want this I want this" Yinsen said tears began rolling down my checks.

"Thank you for saving us" I said "Don't waste it don't waste your life's" he said then went silent I knew he had died.

"No" I said and started crying "come on let's get out of here" dad said putting on his helemet I did the the same and followed dad out and heaps of men began firing at us.

"My turn" dad said sending fire at all the men he then went to destroy all the weapons I followed behind then dad picked me up and we took of into the air as there base explode we weren't in the air for long before I knew it we were falling.

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