Chapter Seven

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Sally's P.O.V

We had finally landed as I waited for the door to go down I got up put arms around dad and Rhodey’s necks and they helped me down the ramp as it was to step to try and get down using my crutches.

Once on the ground I got my crutches of Rhodey I went over to mum as fast as I could on crutches and gave her a massive hug as dad slowly walked over.

“Your eyes are red A few tears for your long-lost boss?” Dad said I faked a cough “yeah and your long lost daughter.”

“Tears of joy I hate job hunting” mum said “yeah, vacation's over” dad said. We walked to the limo and got in “where to, sir?” Happy asked.

“Take us to the hospital, please, Happy” mum said “no” me and dad said at the same time.

“No? You guys have to go to the hospital” mum said “No is a complete answer” dad said.

The doctor has to look at you two mum said “we don't have to do anything we’ve been in captivity for three months There are two things I want to do I want an American cheeseburger, and the other” dad said.

“That's enough of that” mum said “oh god” I said putting my head in my hands “it’s not what you think I want you to call for a press conference now” dad said.

“Call for a press conference? What on earth for?” Mum said “Happy, drive” Dad said “Cheeseburger first” I said.

We arrived at the press conference Obie opened the door and said “look at this” hugging dad when he got out of the car.

Happy came round with the crutches and burgers he helped me out of the car Obie said “though we were going to meet at the hospital.”

“No were fine” dad said and got a burger of Happy.

“Look at you guys” Obie said “You get me one of those?”

“There's only one left” dad said “and its mine” I interrupted while walking into the conference room.

“Look who’s here!” Obie yelled as we walked onto the stage I sat down and got my burger of dad.

“Hey, hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down? It’s a little less formal” dad said “good to see you” dad said to Obie “good to see you” Obie said.

“I never got to say goodbye to Dad” dad said started his speech “I never got to say goodbye to my father, there's questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels. I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them .And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability.”

“Mr. Stark!” Couple members of the press said “feedback” dad said.

“What happened over there?” One of them said “I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International.”

Then the press went crazy not unexpected Obie jumped trying to push dad of the stage as he continued “until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be. What direction it should take, one that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country, as well.”

Dad helped me up then someone one from the press asked “do you agree with your father.”

“Innocent people are getting killed by the weapons I helped create so yes I do agree with my father’ I said and continued walking out.

Dad and I got in the limo with Happy and mum “where to” Happy asked.

“Home”’ I said we started heading home then dads phone went off and I could see a picture of Obie dad talked to Obie on the phone then he hang and said “Obie asked us to meet him at Stark industries”

“Forget that I’m going home and sleeping.”

 Tony’s P.O.V

 We dropped Sal and Pepper of at home and Happy took me to Stark industries I was staring at the arc reactor when Obie walked in saying “Well, that that went well.”

“Did I just paint a target on the back of my head?” I asked “your head? What about my head?” he asked “Where’s Sal.”

“At home sleeping” I said “what do you think the over-under on the stock drop is gonna be tomorrow?” He asked I thought about it for a bit then said “optimistically, 40 points.”

“At minimum” he said “Tony, we're a weapons manufacturer” I interrupted him saying “Obie, I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy” I said.

“That’s what we do. We're iron mongers. We make weapons” Obie said “it’s my name on the side of the building” I interrupted yet he still continued talking as if I’d never said anything “and what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos.”

“Not based on what I saw” I interrupted again “we’re not doing a good enough job we can do better. We're gonna do something else.”

“Like what?” He asked “you want us to make baby bottles?”

“I think we should take another look into arc reactor technology” I said “Come on. The arc reactor, that's a publicity stunt! Tony, come on. We built that thing to shut the hippies up!” he said as if I was joking.

“It works” I said “Yeah, as a science project the arc was never cost effective we knew that before we built it arc reactor technology, that’s a dead end, right? We haven't had a breakthrough in that in what? Thirty years” Obie said.

“That’s what they say” I said “could you have a lousier poker face? Just tell me, who told you?” I said seeing right through him.

“Never mind who told me. Show me” he said “It’s Rhodey or Pepper” I continued “I want to see it” he said.

“Okay, Rhodey” I said taking of my sling then unbuttoning my shirt to show him the arc reactor “It works” I said.

“Listen to me, Tony. We're a team” he said buttoning my shirt back up “Do you understand? There's nothing we can't do if we stick together, like your father and I” he continued.

“I’m sorry I didn't give you a heads-up, okay but if I had” I said “Tony, no more of this “ready, fire, aim" business. You understand me?”

“That was Dad's line” I said “You gotta let me handle this we're gonna have to play a whole different kind of ball now we're going to have to take a lot of heat. I want you to promise me that you and Sal are gonna lay low” Obie said as we were walking out.


I walked inside and JARVIS said “welcome home sir.”

“Thank you kindly JARVIS” I said “it’s been I long time based on news reports I calculated your safe return by 0.25%” JRVIS said.

“Yeah I missed you too” I said I sat down at the table and found a watch with a note saying ‘tony thank god it’s not your time –Obadiah’ I took it out of the box and on my wrist “JARVIS how’s Sal” I asked “she fine sir and is currently sleeping.”

I got up took my jacket of and walked over to the window “You have 1713 new voice messages” JARVIS said projecting them on the window “how shall I cartages them for you.”

I began scrolling throw not really caring “Delete all” I told JARVIS.

“I’m detecting the presents of an electromagnetic energy in the house I tried to ask Miss Stark about it but she said ‘in the morning’ then fell asleep”

“Boot up the scanner will ya” I asked JARVIS walking down to the basement.

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