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Third Person's POV

"Okay sweetie, be good in school okay? Call me if you need me to pick you up" Mrs. Son said to her daughter

"I will mom, don't worry" Chaeryeong said and chuckled as her mom gave her a kiss on the cheek

"Okay, go on before you get late" Mrs. Son said and then Chaeryeong got off the car and went towards the school gates.

It was just another day for Chaeryeong to be in school. She wasn't really popular among students but she has friends, even from the lower or upper level.

"Ryeong!" she heard, she turned her head and saw one of her friends. It was Kim Lia

"Hi unnie" Chaeryeong said with a smile, her ees almost disappearing

"Come on, let's go to class together" Lia said and Chaeryeong nodded as Lia held her hand.

They made their way upstairs to their class. The two had literature class together so they were always with each other every morning.

"So, eomma told me that I could bring some friends over while they're away. Want to come over at our place tonight? Let's have a sleepover" Lia said, hoping Chaeryeong would say yes right away

"Hmm... I have to ask mom and eomma first, you know how they are" Chaeryeong said and both of them chuckled. Chaeryeong's parents were more of the strict type since they really are protective over Chaeryeong and Chaeyeon.

"Okay, I do hope Aunt Son says yes, boh of out parents are quite close" Lia said and Chaeryeong nodded

As the two were talking with each other, someone suddenly went towards them.

"Hi Yeseo, what are you doing here?" Chaeryeong asked the younger

"Hi unnie but, can I ask how do we do this? our teacher said we could ask help from the higher grade level" Yeseo said and pouted

"Homework in the morning?" Lia asked confused

"Sort of, it's an activity and I forgot to complete it last night since I had other activities to do" Yeseo said

"Okay, come here I'll teach you" Chaeryeong said and patted to the seat beside her. Yeseo happily nodded and took the seat beside her sunbae.

It just took Chaeryeong a few minutes to teach Yeseo and Yeseo finally got it.

"Thank you so much unnie" Yeseo said and bowed

"No worries, go on you might be late for class" Chaeryeong said and chuckled. Yeseo then left the classroom and went to hers.

"You're not popular but a lot of younger students do like you" Lia said

"Ehh, not really, mostly ask me questions about their activities and assignments" Chaeryeong said

"What if you tutor some of them? I'm sure they'll be happy to get tutored by you" Lia suggested

"Maybe, I'll check if I have enough time to tutor some students" Chaeryeong said and Lia nodded

Later on as the students in the class were waiting for their teacher, they heard a loud commotion from the corridors. Because of this all of the students went to check, even Lia and Chaeryeong.

"What's happening?" Lia asked as she and Chaeryeong peeked out of the classroom door.

"We're over Yuna, I'm tired of you" a girl said to the taller one

"B-but how? I didn't cheat on you, I didn't do anything wrong" the taller said namely Yuna said

"Exactly, you didn't do anything, even if you knew that we're slowly drifting apart. It's better if we break up Yuna" the girl said and left Yuna standing alone on the carridor. The students started to whisper.

"Everyone, back to your rooms" they heard, only to see Choi Yujin, the school's student council president. With that said all of the students went back inside their rooms.

"Who was that?" Lia asked once again

"That's Yoo Yuna" someone said and it shocked Chaeryeong and Lia

"Sorry to startle you two unnies, I'm Rei" the girl said with a smile

"H-hi Rei" Chaeryeong said shyly. She was aware of the girl but she never talked to her before

"What happened tho? it's so sudden" Lia said

"Oh, Yuna and her girlfriend broke up. They've been distant for a few while already. Maybe since last month" Rei said

"Did umm... Yuna did something wrong?" Chaeryeong asked

"Nope, Yuna didn't do anything wrong. They said that maybe her girlfriend fell out of love you know? or maybe was tired with being with Yuna" Rei said and the two nodded

"Lia, Chaeryeong, Rei, please go back to your seats" they heard so they suddenly went to their seats.

"Unusual, some people always say that they fell out of love" Lia said

"Eh, how about you and Yeji unnie? Don't you two unnies feel distant sometimes?" Chaeryeong asked

"Yeah we do but we always make up for it. We meet up on weekends when we have time. Some say that the more farther the people are apart, the more you long for them" Lia said and chuckled

"Are you saying you miss Yeji unnie?" Chaeryeong teased

"Aish, keep quiet little Chaery" Lia said and both of them chuckled quietly.

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