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The following day Chaeryeong woke up earlier than she used to. She already took a bath and was dressed in her school uniform. She fixed her things for school. After fixing her bag she went downstairs to have a quick breakfast which was just some yogurt and her supplements.

"Chaery sweetie, why are you up so early?" her mom, Mina, asked her as she went down the stairs.

"Oh.... I have class duty. I have to be early today" Chaeryeong lied and just smiled at her mom.

"Okay, well, do you want me to drive you to school?" Mina asked her

"No thanks mom, the school's just near, I can just walk to school" Chaeryeong said and Mina nodded. After having breakfast, Chaeryeong went back up to her room to brush her teeth. Then she went off to walk to school. It wasn't what she expected to be but to her it seems nice to walk to school.

When she reached the school she saw Yuna by the hallway near the entrance. She quickly got in and then went towards Yuna.

"I'm here now" Chaeryeong said softly and then Yuna looked at her

"Late for a couple of minutes but better than I expected, let's go" Yuna said and Chaeryeong followed Yuna towards the school garden. Chaeryeong was kind of confused why they went there so she asked Yuna.

"Why are we here?"

"Me and Chaemi always go here during the morning, no students around" Yuna said and Chaeryeong just nodded

"Can't we just go to class? I need to do some of my-" Chaeryeong was then cut off

"Didn't you say you would follow what I say? or do you want me to spread your hideous picture" Yuna asked the older and it made Chaeryeong nervous and frightened. She didn't want for everyone to see how she looked like before

"So?" Yuna asked and raised a brow

"I... I'll stay" Chaeryeong said and looked down

"Good" Yuna said and they continued to walk in the garden and found a seat. Chaeryeong just sat down and looked around the garden as Yuna used her phone. While Yuna was busy with that, Chaeryeong's phone buzzed, indicating a notification. She quickly got her phone and looked who it was from. Of course it was from none other than Lia.


Lia unnie 💕
7:21 am

where are you?

I'm already in class

you should be here you

oh hi unnie

sorry but Yuna and I are
in the garden. she said she and
Chaemi always go here so
I had no choice


well just don't be
late for class, you'll
get detention by this

i know unnie, thank you
for checking on me

no problem

see you babes


Chaeryeong sighed and put her phone back in her pocket. She glanced over at the younger beside her and she was still busy with her phone.

"You can go to your class now" Yuna said and stood up from the bench, leaving Chaeryeong alone in the garden. Chaeryeong sighed once again and quickly made her way to class. Good thing that their teacher wasn't there yet if not she would definitely get detention.

"You're lucky Ms. Choi isn't here yet" Lia whispered to Chaeryeong

"I know and I'm sorry, I just can't say no to Yuna or she'll spread the picture of me" Chaeryeong said and sighed

Later on classes started and Chaeryeong was focused as always. She never failed any of her subjects before so she was wondering if doing this fake relationship with Yuna would affect it.

Right after classes, Chaeryeong went to go with Yuna to have lunch. She did got a lot of stares and looks from the other students but she shrugged it off.

When they got their food, they sat together and Yuna was looking at Chaeryeong, as if she was waiting for something.

"W-what?" Chaeryeong asked

"Chaemi would actually give me some of her lunch" Yuna said

"O-oh.... I'm sorry" Chaeryeong muttered and then gave some of her lunch to Yuna. Chaeryeong was left with only half what she would always get and to be honest, it wasn't enough for her when she needs to keep up with all her other classes.

They ate together in silence and Chaeryeong still got stares from the other students.

Is she a rebound?

Wow, Yuna found someone fast

Second option probably

Chaeryeong quickly finished her food, not even wanting to wait for Yuna. As she was finished, she quickly went to find Lia, she wanted to be with the older girl.

"There you are" Lia said and chuckled as she saw Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong then hurriedly went towards the older and hugged her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lia asked but Chaeryeong shook her head. Lia then looked at Yeji who was with her.

"What's up with her? she's not normally like that" Yeji said and Lia agreed

"Hey bub, tell me what's wrong" Lia said and made Chaeryeong look at her. Chaeryeong's eyes were teary and Lia knew that it was something to do with Yuna. Lia didn't asked any further, she just hugged the younger back and caressed her hair.

"So?" Yeji asked

"I'll talk to you about it later babe, but you don't mind if me and Chaeryeong stay together for a while?" Lia asked

"I don't mind at all, go on" Yeji said with a smile and Lia smiled back at her.

Chaeryeong and Lia went to the library, where they usually hang out since they have a spot that only the two of them would go to.

"I'm guessing it's about Yuna huh" Lia said and Chaeryeong nodded

"It's going to b tough Ryeong, but, the only way if you don't want to deal with that is you have to deal with everyone knowing how you look back then" Lia said and Chaeryeong looked at her

"T-they can't know.... they'll make fun of me unnie. I'm scared of being bullied by my looks, it makes me ashamed to be mom and eomma's daughter" Chaeryeong sobbed

"Hey, your mom and eomma loves you no matter what Ryeong, your looks doesn't matter to them, to us" Lia said and cupped the younger's cheeks

"But to others it does" Chaeryeong said and Lia sighed. She brought the younger to a hug once again to calm her down.

After that, they both went back to class. Lia just hopes that Yuna doesn't go overboard about this fake relationship, she doesn't want Chaeryeong to get hurt.

"I should probably talk to Ryujin" Lia thought

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