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The alarm went off and Chaeryeong quickly shut it. Of course she gets annoyed with alarms but since she knew it was the weekend and Yuna promised to take her out today, she was kind of excited.

She quickly got off the bed and fixed it before going into the bathroom and take a bath. After taking a bath she went off to choose some clothes for the day, of course she wanted to look very pretty for today but also making it a bit simple.

"Should I call unnie for help?" Chaeryeong asked herself as she scans her closet and thinks if she should really call her sister

"Maybe she's still asleep" Chaeryeong said and just chose a nice white dress to wear for her date with Yuna.

After a few minutes of preparing, she was almost done and all she needs was to fix her hair. Just in time, she suddenly got a message from Yuna.

just reading the message made her a blushing mess already

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just reading the message made her a blushing mess already. She felt her cheeks heating up as soon as she read Yuna calling her 'baby'

Of course she replied back to Yuna immediately.

After doing so, she went downstairs to see her parents eating breakfast

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After doing so, she went downstairs to see her parents eating breakfast

"Oh Chaery, you're up early today" Mina said and chuckled

"O-oh... umm I have a date with Yuna today" Chaeryeong said shyly

"Really? well I'm sure you two will have fun" Chaeyoung said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile

"Would you want to have breakfast first?" Mina asked

"I would lo-" they were cut off when they heard a beep from outside, it was then followed by the doorbell.

"I guess that's Yuna" Chaeyoung said and chuckled as she stood up from her chair and went to the door.

"Oh goodmorning Mrs Chaeyoung" Yuna greeted with a bow

"Good morning too Yuna" Chaeyoung said with a smile

"I'm here to pick up Chaeryeong unnie, and don't worry I'll bring her back home before 7" Yuna said and Chaeyoung nodded.

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