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Yuna's POV

I can't believe that she ditched me at the café, it was so embarrassing because Chaemi and her friends saw me eating alone. I'm so annoyed at Chaeryeong unnie right now, why can't she just do what I ask her to do?

I'm at school right now, just getting my stuff in my locker. I need to make sure that Chaeryeong unnie is here because its really pissing me off. I grabbed my things and went off to class, I share one class with Yujin and the other with Ryujin unnie and I guess I'm just having bad luck, the only seat left in class was beside Ryujin unnie. I sighed and annoyingly walked towards the vacant seat and sat down. I was expecting her to lecture me or something but none, she was just quiet and minding her own business.

It was all boring since it was history class and I wasn't really interested with the subject. Right after class, I thought Ryujin unnie wanted to talk to me but to my surprise, she just left the room. I guess she doesn't care on what I do anymore, maybe she gave up. Today we didn't have much subjects so it was club meetings right after, I made my way to the locker area and saw Chaeryeong unnie getting something from her own locker. It made me a little mad that she even didn't talk to me today about what happened yesterday. I walked towards her, being so annoyed that I pulled her by the arm to make her face me

"O-Ouch!" she winced and it just annoyed me more

"Why did you just left me at the café yesterday?!" I asked, almost shouting at her

"Y-Yuna, it hurts.." she muttered and I sighed in annoyance because she wasn't answering my question

"I'm asking you a question"

"I told you that I had an emergency and my mom needed me at home" she said and I rolled my eyes, as if I would believe in that

"I don't believe that, you're coming with me" I said and was about to drag her to somewhere else but then someone called me

"Yah? What are you doing to Chaeryeong?!" I turned and saw Lia unnie, Ryujin unnie and Yeji unnie together. Tsk, these three again.

"Let go of her" Lia unnie said and I did as so, but in a harsh way. Chaeryeong unnie winced in pain again which made the three of them look at her.

"Does it still hurt?" Yeji unnie asked her and Chaeryeong unnie nodded

"She's just being dramatic" I said and rolled my eyes, not caring at all

"You better behave yourself Yuna, unless you want eomma to get you grounded" Ryujin unnie told me

"I was just talking to her, what's the problem with that?" I asked Ryujin unnie annoyingly

"You hurt her, holding onto her arm harshly, you heard her wince in pain so obviously she didn't like the way you tried talking to her" she said and I rolled my eyes on her again

"Come on Ryeong, we don't want to waste time on someone who doesn't respect others... especially to those older than them" Lia unnie said and walked away with Chaeryeong unnie

"I don't know why you're acting that way Yuna, you're not like that before" Yeji unnie said and sighed as she left as well.

"Be careful with your actions around here Yuna, you're ruining both mom and eomma's image. Remember, both mom and eomma study here and you ruining their reputation can cause a big problem" Ryujin unnie said and then left as well

I ignored everything they said and went off to do my own business, I was walking down the hall but then I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Chaemi's friends, Jia and Boram. I sighed as I saw them, I know that they're going to ask me about something.

"Well, well, well, isn't it Yoo Yuna" Boram said and chuckled, I just rolled my eyes on her

"What do you want?" I asked and raised a brow at her

"We just wanted to know who that girl was... that one at the café with you yesterday" Jia said

"She's..... she's my girlfriend" I lied, not wanting them to know that I'm just asking help from Chaeryeong unnie

"Really? you're girlfriend?" they asked and started laughing

"Why? what's wrong with that?" I asked

"Obviously she doesn't fit into as Chaemi she's way down her level" Boram said

"Also, it seems like you haven't changed a bit Yuna, still being the manipulative and aggressive girlfriend as you are" Jia said which made me furrow my eyebrows

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" I asked them

"We saw you and that other girl Chaeryeong just a while ago, you seem to be arguing about something" Jia said

"Did you guys fought because she left you there at the café?" Boram asked and chuckled, how could they know-

"You know Yuna, you should understand how some people feel and you don't just argue with your partner for a dumb and lame reason, right Boram?" Jia then said and Boram agreed

"This is why Chaemi decided to break up with you, you're too annoying and manipulative" Jia added and walked away as she and Boram laughed at me.

I clenched my fists as I gritted my teeth, I didn't like it when they were talking about me that way. I'll show them that I'm not that kind of person... they'll see

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