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Yuna was already awake, preparing breakfast for all of them.

Yeji and Lia always let Yuna cook whatever she wants since they knew that Yuna lives alone and they wanted Yuna to feel that she was with someone.

"Good morning Yuna" Lia said with a smile

"Good morning unnie" Yuna greeted back, busy cooking breakfast

"So... what did you make for breakfast this time?" Lia, really interested because Yuna studied a lot about cooking

"Umm, kimchi stew, some tamogoyaki, there's bibimbap in the fridge since I finished doing it a while ago. And then the mandu that was leftover yesterday then I'm making hotteok" Yuna said

"but why are there two kimchi stews?" Lia questioned

"Oh... well the other one has less chili sauce, maybe Chaeryeong unnie doesn't want it too spicy" Yuna said

"Did you two talked last night?" Lia asked as she grabs water from the fridge

"No... how about you?" Yuna asked

"We did, but it was just quick then she went to sleep" Lia said and Yuna nodded


Last Night....

"Chaery, come on we need to change your clothes and probably change the sheets cause you got so wet" Lia said worriedly. Chaeryeong sighs softly and gets up from the bed which confused Lia.

"So you do can get up, what's with this act Chaery, Yuna had to carry you all the way here" Lia said

"S-Sorry, I just.... I just miss her being so caring" Chaeryeong said and Lia sighed as she removes the bed sheets.

"You know, you can just talk to her" Lia told her

"I'm not sure if she wants to talk to me, maybe she's with someone else now" Chaeryeong said as she gets the clothes and then changes in the bathroom

"She's single, no need to worry about that. Actually, she's the one who's wondering if you are, you posts some pictures with Jaemin, she thinks you two are dating" Lia said and chuckled

"You know Lia unnie, it just bothers me that its been years and I didn't have Yuna the chance to explain everything. If only I knew she was drugged by Chaemi then I wouldn't have left" Chaeryeong said

"It's okay Chaery, we all understand why. You were just scared as well, you were shocked." Lia said and hugged the younger

"But I do miss her a lot, it was hard sleeping alone in the US" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Don't worry, hopefully you two can talk tomorrow morning and everything will all be back to normal" Lia said, wanting to reassure the younger

"I do hope so. Well, thank you unnie and goodnight" Chaeryeong said and hugged Lia

"Goodnight as well"


"You should bring that to Chaery" Lia added and it made Yuna's eyes widened


"Go on Yuna, so you two can talk. It's better if you do it that way, there's a table in the guest room anyways" Lia said and Yuna sighed but if she really wants to talk to the older maybe this is the only way.

She then grabs a tray, placing plates and bowls of food onto it, not forgetting some fruits and a cup of coffee for Chaeryeong.

"Don't worry, just think me and Yeji aren't here, we'll leave you two be" Lia said and winked at the younger before going off to the living room and watching tv.

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