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Yuna was already awake with Chaeryeong still sleeping soundly beside her. She was staring at the older, adoring how beautiful she looks even in her sleep.

"You're so beautiful bubba" Yuna whispered as she caressed the older's hair

She kept on caressing the older's hair as she was still asleep but suddenly, someone knocked on her door and she noticed Chaeryeong's eyebrows furrowing

"Why is someone bothering us" Yuna groaned softly and got off the bed not wanting to wake up the older.

She goes over to the door and opens it.

"What do you want?" Yuna asked annoyingly

"Just gonna say if you guys wanna go out for a walk?" Ryujin suggested

"No unnie, you can obviously see that we're still trying to rest right?" Yuna said and rolled her eyes on her sister. She was pretty annoyed that her unnie had to wake her up and bother them early in the morning.

"Ryujin, what are you doing? let the two sleep" Yuna then head their mother

"I was just suggesting if they wanted to go for a walk" Ryujin said

"Ryu, it's literally 6 in the morning, let them rest" Jeongyeon said as she let's Ryujin go back to her own room.

"I'm sorry Yuna, did Chaeryeong got woken up?" Jeongyeon asked and Yuna glanced for a little and thank god the older was still asleep

"She's still asleep eomma" Yuna said

"Okay, go back to bed and have some rest" Jeongyeon said and Yuna nodded

The door then closed and Yuna went back to bed to cuddle with the older. Last night she already told Chaeryeong's parents and they were fine about Chaeryeong staying over at Yuna's.

A little later, the older had slowly woken up.

"Good morning bubba" Yuna said softly as she looks at the older

"Hmm, good morning" Chaeryeong said softly like in a whisper since she just woken up. She stretches her body a little and then hugs Yuna again. She looks up at the taller girl and pouts.

Yuna knew exactly what the older wanted so she pecked her lips but it only made Chaeryeong whine, meaning she wanted more. Yuna chuckled but she kissed Chaeryeong over and over again until she was satisfied.

"Okay now bubba?" Yuna asked and Chaeryeong hummed

Yuna could only chuckle, loving how clingy the older was with her.

"Would you want to go out today?" Yuna suggested

"That's a nice idea, but can we go later? like in the afternoon?" Chaeryeong asked

"Why?" Yuna asked

"I want to be with you. I want us to stay like this for a while" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded. Chaeryeong then hid her face on the crook of Yuna's neck as Yuna hugged her tightly as she hummed her a song.

"Girls? you need to have breakfast" they heard as someone knocked on their door

"That's mom I guess" Yuna said and sat up, Chaeryeong did as well and they both got down from the bed

"Are you two alright? its pass 8" Nayeon said worriedly as Yuna opened the door.

"We're fine mom" Yuna said

"Hmm okay, well, breakfast is on the table, just heat it up okay?" Nayeon said and the two nodded

"I have to go to work now. Bye you two and if you're going out, be safe. Yuna drive safely and also I left some pocket money by the coffee table" Nayeon said

"Thanks mom" Yuna said with a smile

"No worries, have fun today" Nayeon said and kissed her daughter's cheek, even Chaeryeong's.

"Bye Aunt Nayeon" Chaeryeong said and Nayeon nodded with a smile.

As soon as Nayeon left, the two then went over to the dining area to have breakfast. They sat beside each other as they ate.

"Baby" Chaeryeong called for the younger

"Mhm?" Yuna asked and looked at the older

"I...." Chaeryeong was too shy to ask the younger

"What is it bubba?" Yuna asked but Chaeryeong shook her head. It seems to be so rude of her to choose where should they go later. She knew that Yuna would always give in to what she wants so she decided to not tell Yuna.

"Nevermind, it's nothing and I forgot" Chaeryeong said and chuckled softly

"Are you sure bubba?" Yuna asked and Chaeryeong just nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.

Later on, the two were now preparing to leave the house. Yuna already got the pocket money that her parent's left for her and now they went out and to her car.

"Have everything you need bubba?" Yuna asked

"Mhm" Chaeryeong hummed in response and Yuna nodded and started to drive off

Knowing what the older wanted, Yuna first drove to the nearby café and parked her car.

"Why here Yuna?" Chaeryeong asked

"I knew you wanted to have some coffee first, so let's go get you one" Yuna said with a smile and it made Chaeryeong smile as well.

They got inside the café and ordered some drinks and some snacks.

"Anything else you want bubba?" Yuna asked the older beside her

"Umm.... can we get some macarons?"

"Of course, do you want to get just one flavor or the assorted one?" Yuna asked

"The assorted one, we could taste all of it together" Chaeryeong said and it made Yuna chuckled

"Okay, we'll do that then" Yuna said and kissed the older's temple.

"Good day miss, what can I get for you?" the lady asked Yuna as Yuna went back to the counter

"Yes, I would like to have the macarons, box of 12 please and the assorted one if that's alright?" Yuna said

"Sure miss, we'll prepare it right away" the lady said with a smile. Yuna smiled as well and waited as her order was being prepared. A few while later it was done and she paid for it, going back to their table along with the box of macarons.

"Here you go bubba" Yuna said as she places the box on the table

"Baby, this is too much" Chaeryeong said worriedly as she looked at the younger

"I wanted you to try every flavor of course, but if you cannot finish it, we can always bring it back home" Yuna said with a smile and it made Chaeryeong's heart melt

"Thank you baby" Chaeryeong said and pecks the younger's lips it did quite shocked Yuna since the older kissed her on the lips in public

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