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Chaeryeong groans and stretches her arms. She lets out a sigh as she looks out the window, the sun was raising and it seemed to be a perfect day. She turns around and her smile fades, Yuna wasn't beside her anymore, the younger had probably went off to work already.

Chaeryeong sighed, it was like this almost everyday, she wakes up without Yuna beside her, she starts thinking that maybe they're slowly drifting apart because of work but she never wants that to happen.

She gets out of bed like she usually does and then goes towards the walk in closet that she and Yuna shared. She grabs some clothes that she would be wearing for the day and makes her way to the bathroom to take a bath.

After doing so, she changed her clothes and then sits on the bed. She grabs her phone from the nightstand and then looks at the time and day.

"Oh.... it's our anniversary" Chaeryeong muttered softly.

They talked about it days after they met again and made up. They would still consider the date as their anniversary even if they broke up for a while.

"I guess she forgot" Chaeryeong said and chuckled bitterly. She grabs her things and decides that she could go out on her own today.

She gets down and their maid was there already.

"Good morning Ms. Chaeryeong, would you like to have some breakfast?" the maid asked

"Oh... umm no need. I'll be having breakfast outside instead" Chaeryeong said with a smile

"But Miss Yuna said that-"

"No worries... just umm, tell her I went out. I'll be out before dinner" Chaeryeong said and made her way out. She just got a cab and then asked to be driven to her favorite café, the one that she and Yuna usually goes to.

She pays the driver and gets down, she makes her way inside and then goes to the counter to order.

"Good morning miss, what may I get for you?" the lady at the counter asked

"Good morning, could I get um, a strawberry muffin, and then probably and iced americano" Chaeryeong said with a smile and gets her card from her wallet.

"And how much would that be?" Chaeryeong asked

"No need Miss, it's one the house" the lady said

"W-What? I... are you kidding me? This must be some sort of joke, I'll pay" Chaeryeong said

"Really miss, you always come here to grab a snack or a drink. It's the least we could do for you" the lady said, Chaeryeong wanted to insist but she keeps getting declined so she gave up and thanked the lady for letting her have her order for free.

She goes to a table and waits for her order to be served. She smiles, well, a forced one. She would've enjoyed it more if Yuna was with her but of course, she had to work and Chaeryeong couldn't do anything about it

"Here's your order miss, is there anything else that you need?" the waitress asked

"Thank you, and I'm fine" Chaeryeong said with a smile and the waitress nodded and left.

Chaeryeong starts having breakfast, occasionally checking on her phone just to see if there was a message from the younger. To her disappointment, none, there was not a single message from Yuna or from any of her friends.

She sighed and then finished her food, after doing so, she walked to the nearby book store to see if there was that new book that she saw online, she wanted to buy it of course.

She looked through the shelves, finding for it but she couldn't.

"Do you need anything miss?" a lady went up to her

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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