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Chaeryeong's POV

It was weird to bump into Yoo Yuna, she was the girl who just got broken up with her girlfriend. She does act different from what she looks like. I was expecting her to have a sweet personality but the way she talked back to Ms. Park was just off

"Sorry for that Ms. Son, anyways, do ask some help from the upper levels and especially to the the student council president, it's Eunbi right? And you can also ask Bona, Kim Bona" Ms. Park said and I nodded with a smile

"Okay, off you go to your class. Just tell Mrs. Kim that I talked to you okay?" Ms. Park said

"Nae" I said happily and went off to class. In class, I was always seated beside Lia unnie so I wasn't really new to it.

I knocked on the door, not too loud and Mrs. Kim looked at me.

"Ms. Son, why are you late in my class?" she asked me

"I'm sorry for disturbing Mrs. Kim but Ms. Palr just relayed some activities and some notes to me" I said and she nodded

"Okay then, since you had a reasonable excuse. You can take your seat now Ms. Son" she said

"Nae, thank you Mrs. Kim" I said and then took my seat beside Lia unnie.

"You're always being asked by Ms. Park" she whispered to me

"I know right" I said and chucklwd

"Maybe she favors you a lot, or well, you have a lot of connections with other students here" she whispered again

"Probably" I said and she nodded

The both of us focused on the lesson and later on it was dismissal time for us. Yep, sometimes we only had classes for half a day which makes us have more time to do some of our homeworks and activities.

"Hey Ryeong, sleepover?" Lia unnie asked me

"I almost forgot, I'll call mom or eomma first" I said and she nodded.

I called eomma but she didn't replied, she was probably at work at the moment so I chose to call mom.


"Hello sweetie, need anything?"

"Hi mom, Lia unnie asked if I could have a sleepover at their place"

"Oh, at Rosé and Jisoo's house?"

"Yes mom"

"Sure sweetie, I can just bring you some clothes there or ask your eomma to do so"

"Really? Thank you mom!"

"No problem my sweetie, just call if you need anything and have fun with your Lia unnie"

"I will mom, thank you! I love you~"

"I love you too sweetie"


We ended the call and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Mom said yes so I guess we can" I said and both of us chuckled

Since it was too early to go home, we walked to the library to read some books. As soon as we entered, a student went towards us.

"Oh... hi" we greeted

"Sorry to disturb you sunbaes, I'm Youngeun, Seo Youngeun" she said and we nodded

"Nice to meet you Youngeun" Lia unnie said

"Thank you but Chaeryeong sunbae, is it okay to umm... ask help from you?" she asked me and I was shocked.

"Umm sure, with what?" I asked

"Me and my friends are struggling with some activities, we were hoping if you could teach us a bit" she said. Of course I can't say no to my hoobaes, I need to help them.

"Sure, where are you guys seated?" I asked snd she then led me and Lia unnie to their table. There were other two girls. The other had blonde hair and I'm sure she was tall and the other one had short black hair with blonde highlights.

"Guys, this is Chaeryeong sunbae and Lia sunbae" Youngeun said and the two turned to us. They stood up and greeted us with a bow. They also introduced theirselves after

"Hi, so what are you guys having trouble at?" I asked as I sat down. Lia unnie said she'll gp and find a book to read so I let her.

"This one sunbae" Bahiyyih said and showed me

"Oh that one, here, you just need to do this..." I said and taught them. They followed along and soon after they got it.

"Thank you so much Chaeryeong sunbae" Hikaru said with a smile

"No problem, I'm willing to help you guys" I said with a smile

"By the way, Bahiyyih, you're half American?" I asked her

"I am Chaeryeong sunbae? Why?" she asked

"Oh nothing, you really sound good speaking in english so I thought of it" I said and both of us chuckled

"Oh, Chaeryeong sunbae" Youngeun called for me

"Nae?" I asked

"Thank you again and.... you look really pretty" she said and it made me blush. She was a hoobae and I don't get compliments from them a lot

"T-thank you, you three are pretty as well. I do have to go and find for Lia unnie" I said and bowed. As soon as I walked away they were squealing, I just chuckled.

I was about to go to Lia unnie when someone suddenly pulled me away and dragged me to the corner of the library.


"Quiet" my eyes widened upon seeing the person. Yoo Yuna...

"What do you want from me Yoo Yuna?" I asked and she loosen the hold of my hand.

"I want to ask a favor" she said and it made me furrow my eyebrows

"What is it?" I asked

"Fake a relationship with me" she said and I was shocked. Just all of the sudden she asks this?


"Shh!! you're so loud" she shut me off


"Be my fake girlfriend" she said

"Are you insane? don't you have a heart? you just broke up with your girlfriend and you're easily replacing her?" I asked in disbelief

"That's why we'll fake it, so that she comes back to me" she said and my head was full of thoughts

She's just going to use me to get back with her ex? Isn't that too selfish?"

"So?" she aske and raised a brow

"I don't know" I said

"I'm giving you 24 hours to give me an answer about it or.... I'll spread this to the whole school" she said and showed me a picture of me. It was a very old picture of me and I look horrendous. I was wearing glasses and I had braces on. I looked like a freaking nerd and letting people see me that way is not what I want.

"Tell me right away" she said and handed me a paper. I opened it and saw numbers, probably her phone number

What should I do?......

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