Chapter 10: The Heart

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The head and the heart, two vital organs needed to keep someone alive. Without the head, there's nothing telling the heart to beat. Without the heart, there is nothing giving the brain blood.  The two can't survive without one another.

When Bellamy gathered everyone for an emergency meeting and informed us that Clarke was still alive. There was nothing stopping him from saving her. 

After meeting with Russel to negotiate the terms of the agreement, Jospheine showed herself, that when she began to tap out morse code on her arm, spelling out the word alive. 

This, of course, lead Bellamy to believe that Clarke was still in fact somewhere in her head. Perhaps still alive so we could get her back.

"The question is how do we get Josephine out?" Bellamy said quietly to the table.

"We need Raven. She'll know what to do."

"Ravens not here," Maddi muttered, crossing her arms. Raven and Abby had gone to the Eligius ship to try and perform some kind of life-saving surgery on Marcus Kane. 

Bellamy gently placed his hand on top of the young girls. "Hey, we're gonna get her back," he assured her before turning back to the group. When the transport ship lands, we'll be waiting in the field with Josephine. Once we're all back on the mothership, Abby, Raven, and Jackson will go to work."

"And what if they don't open the shield and let us out?" I asked, worried about there being any fighting. 

Echo was quick to answer. "If they don't Josephine dies."

"That's why the will."

"What about Delilah?" Jordan asked, "If Clarke's still alive then she could be too." Everyone put their heads down, refusing to make eye contact with the boys, knowing that we all only had time to save Clarke. "You only care about Clarke." 

"That's not true, but don't worry about Clarke for now," Bellamy tried to soften the blow, coming up with an excuse. "If we start asking questions and the primes figure out why--"

"They can't figure it out if they're dead," Madi blurted out, causing us all to stop and stare at her, shocked by her dark suggestion. "Once we kill the primes we take over Sanctum. We save Clarke here in the lab that was built for it."

"Is that your idea of Sheidheda's? Bellamy accused, knowing that the young girl had been fighting off the evil commander in her head.

"Who cares, if it works?" she shot back. "I've been surveilling the one named Miranda. We kill her and let them find the body. They'll think it's the children of Gabriel and panic, locking themselves inside the palace. Probably the great hall, and that's where we'll be waiting to take out the rest."

Jordan shook his head. "We're not killing Delilah."

Madi turned to look at the boy, her eyes dark. "Delilah's already dead."

"We don't know that for sure."

"You're right, but what we do know is I'm the commander!" Agin, we starred at the young girl in shock, she definitely wouldn't be saying all this a month ago. "Echo thinks it's a good plan," she said turning to the woman. "Dont you, spy?"

Echo nodded slightly. "It's a little aggressive for the situation. But it could work if we were willing to kill all of their people along with them when they come after us for killing their gods!" she said pointing out the obvious flaws in the girl's plan.

"We are-"

Bellamy stopped Madi, "No, we're not." he said it in almost a dad tone with was a little shocking to me. My mother always told me how Bellamy took on almost a dad role for her, but I had never seen it before in action. "Gaia would tell you the same thing if she were here. We have until the ship lands to come up with a quiet way to get Clarke on it."

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