Chapter 2: Moon

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I sat next to Jordan in the command room, watching him as he worked since the only other place to go was my room where I would be alone and I already spent to much time alone to be doing it willingly. 

I wasn't smart with computers like Jordan, my mother more taught things about survival and medicine. If I was being honest I would probably be better help with Abby then anything. Since I could walk my mother would teach me what to do in certain situation. One time when I was 12 she made me give her stitches after she fell off an unstable ladder and cut her forehead open.I guess she just never got around to all the technological stuff. 

I can tell you what to do when you break your arm or get a cut but don't ask me to control a spaceship. 

Raven stood at the window watching as the transport ship flew down to the planet Alpha.

"How are those instruments Shaw?" Raven asked into a radio.

Shaw's response was filled with static from the far distance. "Instruments are for amateurs." 

"God, he's cool," Jordan muttered, keeping his eyes focused on the screen in front of him. 

Shaw tried to say something else into the radio but it only came out as muffled static.

"Come again?" Raven asked. 

Jordan hit a bunch of buttons, his brows knitting together as he focused. "We lost communication with them."

Raven sighed, "Damn it," she walked over to where Jordan was and sat down in his chair, taking over. "We'll see about that. Move over." He was quick to get out of her way, knowing that she means business. "Okay, I want to change our orbit. Find us a spot with less interference. Can you make that happen?" she asked, looking at Jordan. 

"Yes Ma'am. I'm on it." 

"Whats that?" I asked pointing to a large red circular object on the screen. Not realizing that it was a scan of Alpha's surface until we looked out the window and could see the object from our spot in the ship.

It looked like a massive storm but instead of usual white clouds it was a combination of green and red colors swirling around like a tornado. 

"What the hell?" Raven muttered following our gaze out the window.

"Look's like an Aurora. Cool." Jordan smirked.

"A what?" I asked.

"Aurora's form at magnetic poles. Does that look like a pole to you." Jordan, with his hands on his hips looked over his shoulder at Raven. "Stop smile and put us over that instead. I want to know what it is."

Jordan nodded and walked over to the other side of the command table where the controls to the ship were. 

"Anything I can do?" I asked feeling a little useless. 

Raven glanced at me and smiled. "Did Ari, happen to teach you anything she know about creating com systems?" 

"Uh, besides a story about how her and Monty built some device to stop the prisoners from watching Wonkru make it across a wasteland...not really, no." 

She nodded slightly, turning back to face the screen, typing in a few buttons. "Why don't you see if Jordan needs anything."

I know he didn't need help and that Raven was just trying to be nice but I felt bad that I couldn't do anything but sit there. 

Over the next 45 minutes, I watched as Jordan controlled the ship to move over the Aurora they were talking about. I guess he ended up feeling bad that I was sitting all alone with nothing to do so he started to ask me questions about myself like what my favorite color was, what was my favorite thing to do growing up and so on. 

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