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It's been 6 years and 8 days since the war against the shepherd and Octavia called for a cease-fire. Many of us choose agast transcending to live out the remainder of our lives on Earth with Clarke, who was unable to transcend with the rest of us. 

Life on Earth was nothing like how it used to be, everything was so peaceful and open. No one worried about dying or being killed, we didn't have to worry about fake gods stealing our bodies or an evil A.I. trying to steal our minds. 

The planet Earth was just like how my mother always told me. It was similar to Sanctum only less red and orange, it was much more green and colorful and the sky was such a beautiful blue that it seemed to reflect the ocean. Things had been very different than before but we are managing. With Bellamy gone we had to learn to adapt to our new ways without the glue that held us all together. Bellamy was the heart and without the heart, the brain had to learn how to survive alone. 

But we did, we learned to survive without him because that's what we do, we learn to move on without forgetting those who we once lost. 

We built a compound not too far from the water. Aster and I have our own hut, it's not much but we were able to build it out of stone and wood. It took us the first few years to get it fully stable and leak-free but it's perfect for us, we live next door to Miller and Jackson, which is always a pleasure.  

When we were building their home, Miller insisted on having a front porch that faced the water, with two rocking chairs for him and Jackson. The vegetable garden next to their house was Jackson's touch but Eacho always seems to be there adding her own few touches to it.

Aster has a garden of her own where she grows flowers, specifically Delilahs for her sister. Jordan likes to come around sometimes and just look at the flowers. I think it's his own way of remembering Delilah for himself. 

We eat dinner together as a group every night, each taking turns holding the dinners at our respected homes. It was a way for us to stay close to one another. We rarely fought but when we did, we usually would work it out right away, we called it Monty's law, so nothing got too bad. 

Sitting on a rock by the beach, I let the warmth of the sun hit my face as I take in the smell of the sea. 

"Charlie, come on, it's almost time for dinner!" Aster yelled. 

Letting out a huff, I pushed myself off the rock and walked up the hill to our home. Tonight it was Aster's and I's turn to hold dinner, and we had a lot of cooking to do as Murphy always went for thrids. If we didn't stop him, he would eat all the food we had. 

I knew I still had a little while before dinner so I made the walk through the forest and up a few hills to where it stood. Tall and proud with a bit of moss and vines growing off it, the dropship stayed where it had dropped all those years ago. 

I walked up to the open ramps and sat down, remembering the stories my mother told me, like the one about the brunette girl taking the first steps on Earth in 100 years (or so they thought), or the other one about a boy's life being saved after he was speared in the chest, or even the one about a girl being held hostage by a man who was now her daughter's friend. It's crazy how much things can change when you're not fighting for your life. 

I like to come here to remember all those we have lost, even the ones I never got to know like Finn and Charlotte, and Jasper and Monty. I have each of their names carved into the metal of the ramp. I like to think I got to know Monty through the way Jordan talks about his mother and father. He speaks as if they are still alive. 

They all do in some ways. Clarke always tells us stories about her and Madi during the 6 years everyone else was in space. Miller talks about my father. Jackson talks about Abby. We all lost someone extremely close to us and it doesn't hurt any less as time goes on but it does get easier to deal with the pain. 

Bellamy was a hard person to move on from, he was the glue that held the group together at times. He made us all feel like we belonged. He died for what he believed in and we would never forget him. 

I ran my fingers over the carving of each person's name and smiled. I practically jumped out of my skin at the sound of someone walking up to me. 

"Sorry," Jordan said with a smile. "Aster told me to come get you." I gave him a smile and stood up from my spot. 

The sky was getting darker and I already knew that Aster was going to be upset I was gone so long. Before walking over to Jordan, I pulled the pair of ski goggles from my head and set them on a close-by tree stump, looking over my shoulder for a final time at the tall dropship that stood proudly with all the memories and whispered quietly to myself,

"may we meet again."

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