Chapter 6: Naming Day

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I sat outside the Tavern watching the different people that walked by. Letting out a sigh, I pushed around a rock with my foot. Sanctum was going crazy, everyone was getting ready for Delilah's naming day with a large celebration. However, I wasn't in a very celebratory mood.

"What are you doing out here?" Aster asked taking a seat next to me. She looked even more beautiful than the day before. She was wearing a long flowing red dress that fit her body perfectly and her hair was done to perfection with a crown made out of vines and flowers sitting on top of her head. Compared to her I looked like a mess.

She didn't even look the slightest bit tired, which was interesting because together we stayed up for most of the night talking at the bar while the others drank. Aster was too nervous to sleep after her sister being kidnapped by the children of Gabrial the night before. She told me all about them and how they wanted to kill all the primes for some reason and how doing so would be awful. Aster also told me about naming day and how important it was to Sanctum and its people. 

"I'm just thinking."

"About what may I ask?"

"My mom would have loved this pace." 

Aster could see the hurt in my eyes as I looked away. "Hey, unburden. That's what we do today. On naming day we make amends for the things we feel guilty for." 

"Okay," I nodded, "I told you how I spent my whole life on a ship? All that time it was just us...and faces behind glass. People I couldn't talk to, friends I  couldn't have. I wanted to know them so badly. I wanted...this. When my mother decided to put me in cryo it was because she understood that I wanted more, even though I never told her, she knew that I needed to see more than that stupid ship. She understood, even if it meant never seeing me again."

"All parents have to let their kids go some time," Aster said trying to make me feel better. 

I shook my head. "Except she wasn't letting me go. Cause I became a face behind the glass. I taunted her and I feel guilty because..." my voice broke as I tried to explain, "It brought me here, without her."

"You know what I think?" Aster grabbed my hand. "We should take happiness while we can." She gave me a reassuring smile. "Come on, join the party. I promise it will be fun."

I reluctantly followed her into the tavern which was packed with people passing out food and drinks. Aster picked up a similar crown from a table and placed it on my head, adjusting it so it looks perfect, she then led me over to a man who was handing out small round objects on a plate.

Taking one, I took a bite. My eyes went wide and I had to take another bit. 

"I know. A good cookie can change your life," the man holding the tray said before walking off to hand out more cookies to people.

Aster gave me a smile and held out her hand. I stared at her hand, my palms instantly started sweating. Did she want me to hold her hand or did she just want me to follow her like before? I put the last bit of cookie in my mouth and instantly regretted it. I probably looked gross doing that. 

Here I am making a fool of myself while the prettiest girl I had ever seen was standing right in front of me. 

"Is that your first cookie?" she asked, lowering her hand slightly as I grew angry at myself for not taking it while I had the chance.

Nodding, I put my hand over my mouth covering it as I chewed. Not wanting to seem like I didn't have any manners.  "On the ship-" I began, my mouth still having lingering bits of cookie inside, "all I ever ate was algae, its the only thing that we could grow, but my mom used to describe to me what chocolate cake and apple pie used to taste like." 

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