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"Mom where are you going come here"I half yelled and wispered to my mother as she walked slowly towards the psycho man who barged into our house. He tried to rob our possessions but once we caught him, he set fire everywhere and was breaking everything. Why was he so against our family? It looked like he was angry. But again, he was a serial killer, a psycho one. I was praying that he wont hurt mom.

"Stop stop please"Mom begged him and she was tearing up slowly. His dark eyes of anger showed no mercy or compassion. He started walking towards mom dangerously and I got really scared and couldnt let this happen. I got up and stood in front of mom.

That was my first biggest mistake I have done.

"Dont touch her you asswhole"I growled and he smiled evily at me. His eyes looking up and down at me as if I was...god knows what he was thinking.

"Mrs Sanders lets make a deal"He said looking at mom and turned to me quickly. I felt more uncomfortable as I was in a white tank and some dark blue skinny jeans, the top was quite low so i crossed my arms to my chest.

"Please just leave us"Mom pleaded him and I caught her hand

"Fine I wont kill anyone, wont take anything from here if you give me one thing"He said. What what what?

"I will give you anything, what is it?"Mom asked and now I had a bad feeling about this.

"Give me your daughter, or I will send all the fraud account work your father been hiding from the auditors"He said smiling evily at me , I gasped and ran behind my mom who was gonna break down any moment.

"Elle, you know I love you, daddy loves you but this is for own good please go with him,"Mom turned to me and I looked at her as if she was crazy. Sbje was giving in so easily?

"What? No Im not going anywhere without you, not with that psycho"I told her and I felt a gun pointed to my head and I screamed in fear and a hand grabbing my waist harshly.

"I could kill you right here"He said wispering in my ear, Mom looked scared to death.

"No please, dont listen to her, take her with you. Elle I am sorry"Mom cried and now the guy smiled and took me with him out of my house, his filthy hands on my waist pulling me closer to him.

I Hate Him

"Get in"He said to me in front of a black Range Rover. But I didnt move.

"Make me"I said between my teeth and he pointed a gun to my back.

"You dont wanna mess with me darling, "He said his lips near my neck sending shivers to my neck, so I got in the passenger seat and he closed the door before sitting on the driver seat and drove fast far away from my sweet home getting burned.

I was crying like crazy the whole ride, why did it happen to me? Why me? I have the best parents, best friends, the best boyfriend anyone could ever have, school topper and where does my fate lead to?

The Hands of My Kidnapper

(A/N: Cast:
Ariana Grande: Elle Sanders

Harry Styles: Himself)

Living With My Kidnapper [h.s] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now