Chapter 19

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SONGS OF THE CHAPTER: Competition by Little Mix
BO$$ by Fifth Harmony
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift
Dont by Ed Sheeran
Save You Tonight by One Direction__________________________________________________

Louis's Pov

What the bloody hell was going on? Harry was taken away in an asylum, Elle was stuck with Jake and we all know that she will have to count her last days alive. Why why why? Why was it always the good that had to suffer and the bad endure? When will the injustice end?

Ed and I were not very much injured but we went back to our respective places after the terrible incident. I was lucky to have my beautiful girlfriend Eleanor to heal my few wounds and make me feel better but there was a pain that was still burning my body and couldnt be healed.

Two of my dearest friends life was in terrible danger.

Now its been two days and I havent stopped to think about both Harry and Elle. I hoped wherever they were they would be alright. I was mostly scared for Elle, Jake better not torture her. She was such a good and sweet girl, maybe even too sweet, she would listen to Harry who told her to do what Jake tells her to do. Because she loves Harry, she really really loves him. Im happy finally Harry found the perfect girl for him.

I wish he survives to live the life with her.

"Louis, no news about Harry or Elle?"Eleanor asked me as she entered the living room and came to sit next to me on the couch, I put my arm around ger pulling her close to me.

"No. I wish I could do something to help them. I want to save them"I told her and she nodded in agreement.

"I heard Jake took Elle to her new house, the big bungalow, outside the city. Its not very far from an asylum I think"Eleanor said and I raised my eyebrow. An asylum near Elle's house, was Harry in there? Nah Jake was nit stupid to put Harry somewhere close to him and Elle. Harry must be in some other nuthouse in London. But which one?

"The question is , is Harry in there?"I asked her and she caught my hand in hers.

"We can only hope but will he escape? Asylums are almost impossible to escape from, more than jail"Eleanor said and I was scared.

Will I never see my Hazzabear again?

"El we have to do something. We have to save him then save Elle, they need us"I said.

"But how? We dont know their location! I only know Elle is in some big house outside the city but I dont know exactly"Eleanor explained and I sighed. She was right. We didnt know anything about location. But we have to try.

"Look when Jake searched every housee of London for Elle. We can do the same for her and Harry. We have to search every houses of the countryside"I said boldy and she smiled in agreement.

"Im in with you"She said giving me a kiss on my lips and I deepened the kiss placing my hands on her cheeks as her hands to my neck. I love Eleanor to the moon and back, we both are going to save two people that love each other.

We will bring them together and let them start their forever. Like us.

All of a sudden, El's phone vibrated on her jeans so she pulled back and answered. She looked shocked but to my surprise , happy shock actually.

"Ok girl. keep us updated. Just dont get yourself killed. Take care of Elle and we ll take care of Harry"El said and I raised my eyebrow after she cut the call. Who was that? Who will take care of Elle while we take care of Harry? What?

"Whats going on?"I asked her and she smiled a lot.

"We have a lot to do Mr Tomlinson"El said.

This better be good news.

Elle's Pov
I know the only I could do was sleep since I was handcuffed tightly on the bed but it was too tight and was very very painful. It made me miss even more Harry who was taking so good care of me the whole time in his house, protecting me. He gave me a room for me, own clothes, a laptop, a phone...I was safe and he made me happy.

Duh you love him.

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the door opening but I didnt turn to see who it was because it would be either Jake or my so called parents planning against me their own daughter. To my surprise I heard an unfamiliar voice but not entirely unfamiliar.

"Good morning, oh my god wait let me take these off"Who was that? I never heard that voice before but it ressembles to someone. no no cant be Im hallucinating. I turned to face whoever it was and it was a young girl around my age or maybe few years older but not much. She looked really beautiful, blond hair, green eyes...familiar...what? I dont even know her. She was delicately unlocking my handcuffs of my hands and ankles and I smiled a little.

"Thank you"I said softly and she smiled looking at me for a long time, smiling always. Was my face alright?

"Jake asked me to give you breakfast, I got you some croissants and hot chocolate from a bakery. That ass wanted to give you only bread"She said and I couldnt help but laugh when she called Jake an ass. I know thats what he is but still. Wait a second.

Whose side was she on?

"Thank you again"I said not willing at argue or anything and she passed me a tray where there was two croissants and a cup of hot chocolate. Good thing, I was starving. While I was eating, mystery girl who constantly looking at me , like examining me, my every one. She let out a little giggle from her mouth.

"What?"I asked her and she smiled at me again.

"Now Im not surprised he fell in love with you. You re beautiful and very lovable"She said and I stopped munching my croissant and looked at her. Who was she talking about?

"Excuse me?"I asked her nicely.

"Look Elle, I may be working for Jake as a servant but its only because Im undercover actually, dont worry Im not on his side, but yours"She said and I raised my eyebrow in confusion. She was undercover? What? Who was she? How did she know my name?

"For what? I mean I dont know you"I told her and she walked towards the door to lock it and came back to sit next to me on the bed.

"Im sorry its not really safe for me to tell you who I am because if Jake knows , it will ruin everything. Im here to save you from here"She said and I nodded even I didnt get it. But I knew one thing.

Whoever she was, was gonna help me to get out of here and save Harry.

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