Chapter 9

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Live While We're Young by One Direction
Cannon Ball by Little Mix_______________________________________________________

It was six in the evening and Marie sent me word from Harry to get ready for the party and his friends were on their way here anytime. So I took a quick nice bubble bath then I wore white lace bra and panties, wrapped a towel aroud my body and stood in front of the huge wardrobe deciding what to wear tonight. I finally decided to wear a strapless short pink and black dress. I combed my hair perfectly, very light makeup as makeup wasnt my thing really.

My phone vibrated and I checked to see it was my twitter notifications. Dms. By who? Jake. What new lies he will tell me now?

@JakeWoods: Hey Elle, are you ok? Hope Styles didnt hurt you, I think Im getting closer to find you, the police and I searching all the houses of the town, I will you Elle, you ll be fine

What? He's got the police with them. Oh no no that means they'll arrest Harry when they find me , find us. i cant let that happen. The police didnt know Harry was the good one and Jake was the only bad one here. They got that twisted. Shit. I didnt want to be found anymore. I wanted to stay with Harry, couldnt be any safer .

@Elle_Sanders: Jake...Im ok dont worry.

I wanted to yell at him, be angry at him , even telling him to break up but I remember Harry telling me it wasnt safe that he knew that I knew about his diabolic plan of killing me after I get the share from my parents, Harry asked me to pretend like I dont know, so now it was my turn to fake our relationship now.

Well it was always fake to Jake's eyes. So now we're even.

I came out of my room and searched for Harry, he wasnt in his room because his door was opened, I could see he's not there so I continued walking the hallway until I was grabbed by my wrists and pulled into a hard chest. I looked up to see a very very, most handsome Harry Styles wearing a tight white full sleeve dress shirt, navy blue skinny jeans, he had a bow tie on his neck, woah ! I could stare at him all day.

"Hello beautiful"Harry said smirking down at me and I blushed at his compliment. I swear I didnt feel so nervous when I was with Jake.

"Hello handsome"I said shyly and he chuckled and took to his room. It was huge, more than mine, the bed was a kingsized, more royal than mine, a huge tv screen on the wall opposite to the bed, longer wardrobe, a guitar, a table that had some books, stuffs all neatly arranged. I thought Harry would make me sit on the bed with him but no, he opened the long french window and took me to the balcony. It had a beautiful view of London, the sky was full of stars tonight.

"Its so beautiful, nice view"I said looking at the amazing scenery ahead of me, I felt Harry next to me, our fingers just touching, which was enough for my stomach to go crazy.

"My mother used to tell me to follow the stars when you re lost, you'll always find your way, like the three kings who found baby Jesus"Harry said and I nodded.

"You get lost sometimes?"I asked him and he chuckled.

"No not like that, I meant like when we lose someone, we cant find her or him, look at the stars and it will guide you to your loved one. It helped me find my sister one day"He said and I smiled. I didnt know he could be such a charmer , I mean he looked like a god, very sweet but character wise, I didnt know someone could be this perfect.

"Harry...if Jake finds me can you-"I started nervously because I wanted to tell him about the texts Jake sent me but he cut me off.

"Elle he wont find you, and I wont let him take you"Harry said and I sighed before showing him the text Jake sent. Harry looked a little worried about the police but he still looked strong for me.

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