Chapter 17

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: I Need Your Love by Ellie Goulding________________________________________________

Jake was driving for hours now, only God knew where he was taking me. I didnt even bother to look at him, disgusted me, I hated him more and more every seconds. I wanted to be with Harry. Now I didnt know where did he sent Harry? He said worst than jail, so where?

"Will you stop crying? I saved you for fuck's sake!"Jake shouted as he was still and I didnt stop crying the whole time. Saved me? My ass.

"I want Harry where is he?"I cried and it only got me another slap on my cheek, damn it hurt a lot.

"Elle I dont know what shit he told you but he messed your head up, I saved you from trouble, wake up!"Jake said and I was speechless, I knew Jake was again lying to me, I remembered everything Harry told me, Jake was the one to pretend to love me so he could take my money and then kill me. Jake framed Harry to make him look bad because the Styles knew about his diabolic plan.

They were protecting me against my family.

Should I even call them that?

"Cant you see I look unharmed? Harry didnt touch me in any way. Its me that you want so why putting Harry in it"I told him and he smiled evily.

"He knows too much"Jake mumbled low but loud enough for me to hear. Oh did he mean that Harry knew the real Jake Woods and not me the whole time? Well guess what Jake, I know it all now.

Ssshh quiet Elle or you re screwed

I sighed in defeat and looked at the window on the side not willing to see him or talk to him. We were really far from the city , maybe more in the countryside or woods, no idea. Where was he planning to take me?

"Where are we?"I asked him and he chuckled.

"I think its a new place you should call home"Jake said as he parked the car somewhere after crossing huge gates. Was it a resort? No, he said home. What? Home? Like Jake's home?

"What home?"I asked him and he got down to quickly open the door for me showed his hand to me. But I didnt take it I got down on my own.

"Your parents bought this new bungalow after the other house got burnt the day Harry took you"Jake said and I had my eyes wide open popping out. My parents bought this? Just after the incident? How did they managed to get all the money so quickly?

Fraud accounts.

Harry was right.

"And you're staying there too?"I asked him and without warning he caught my hand and walked to the entrance.

"Of course I have a share in this too. You are a part of it"He said and I frowned thinking about everything Harry told me, he was right, my family was planning against me. Now what plan they had in mind?

Jake and I stood in front of the main door as he rang the doorbell button. My heart was beating fast thinking about how to react when I will see my parents after so long, I knew their plan but they were my parents my family, its not easy. Another thought came to my mind, if I dont let them know that I know about them, I wont be in trouble, Harry might be saved.

So have to give Jake the taste of his own medecine.

My turn to act like a father's and mother's little princess and Jake...grrr I dont know, I cant even pretend to love him, I hate him too much for that.

Forget about Jake for now, focus on mom and dad.

The door opened and at the sight of the woman standing there I forgot all my anger, frustration and ran to her arms like the good daughter.

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